Nomination for national election Lecturer of the Year

Based on the nominations of the faculties, every year, the TU Delft Lecturer of the Year is chosen during the Education Day. The winner will be nominated as a candidate for the national election. As you know, TU Delft has taken a different approach this year. Please find below the nomination as it was submitted for the national election.

Dear jury,

TU Delft traditionally nominates the Best Lecturer of the University for the national Lecturer of the Year election. Last year, however, was exceptional. Due to the corona circumstances and in consultation with the directors of Education, our study associations have taken the initiative to 'reinterpret' the election for Best Lecturer of the University. They have made a decision not to organise the annual election as usual but to announce 2020 as the ‘Year of the Lecturer’ instead.

To support this decision, the study associations surprised all TU Delft lecturers with a nice gift at the end of the last academic year. The present included a link to a video made by the study associations and the student council on behalf of all TU Delft students. During the online TU Delft Education Day on 5 November, the chairs of the Central Student Council of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, Zara-Vé van Tetterode and Job Vlak, delivered a speech emphasizing the appreciation of all students and stated that the lecturers are indispensable at TU Delft. You will find the speech as attachment.

All lecturers have played a very important role in continuing our education in 2020 and they still do. In order to put the spotlight on the whole teaching community and not just a selected few, we will nominate not just one but all of our lecturers for the national election, as a statement to our educational heroes and to confirm our gratitude and appreciation.

Kind regards,
Prof.dr. Rob F. Mudde
Vice-Rector Magnificus/Vice-President Education TU Delft

Job Vlak
Chair Student Council

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