PowerWeb Institute

The electrical power infrastructure is rapidly changing due to the growing use of distributed renewable sources and is becoming increasingly complex to manage. Today's electricity market requires an infrastructure for flexible, reconfigurable smart grids that can facilitate the producer and consumer in their changing needs. Future electricity grids ask for a multi-layered ICT approach in order to become robust. And need to be embedded in society as a socio-technological system in itself. 

TU Delft PowerWeb Institute
In search of integral solutions for this changing energy market, three faculties at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) joined forces in the PowerWeb initiative. Our view on smart grids research comprises the integrated study of the underlying physical systems (hardware), the design of smart energy management systems (software), and the study of smart grids in relation to their societal and economic environment (peopleware). This will allow us to model and design ICT systems that integrate energy production and consumption services in a robust way.

The TU Delft PowerWeb Institute is one of energy pillars of the TU Delft Energy Initiative.

News and events

Vacancies PowerWeb Institute

31 maart 2022

Wenli Shi wins 'Best Energy Paper Award'

Wenli Shi wins 'Best Energy Paper Award'

Wenli Shi wins this years 'Best Energy Paper Award' of the PowerWeb Institute

01 februari 2022

PowerWeb members explain NWO research about energy systems integration

PowerWeb members explain NWO research about energy systems integration

The transition to our future energy system is a very complex task. So-called energy system integration can play an important role in this. This contributes to making the energy system of the future just as reliable, safe and affordable as the current system, but also sustainable. Because in addition to the many technical questions, there are also many non-technical questions that need to be answered.

31 januari 2022

Laurens de Vries benoemd tot hoogleraar Complex Energy Transitions

Laurens de Vries benoemd tot hoogleraar Complex Energy Transitions

Het CvB heeft dr.ir. Laurens de Vries met ingang van 27 januari 2022 benoemd tot hoogleraar 'Complex Energy Transitions'.

19 januari 2022

MOOC Digitalization of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

MOOC Digitalization of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

Are you interested in the digital transformation of the energy system? Sustainability, security, reliability, flexibility, and affordability will play an essential role in future energy systems. With this course, you will learn about a powerful framework for integrating renewable energy, gas, heat, electrical cars and electricity into the energy system in an intelligent way.

19 januari 2022

Working on accelerating the energy transition

On its 180th anniversary in January, TU Delft will reflect on its role in the energy transition, and especially on how to accelerate it. This is a complex issue with the ultimate goal of a safe and reliable energy system. A team of 10 scientists gives this acceleration a face.