A new generation of design engineers who create impact with and through technology, in a knowledge-driven, responsible, sustainable, measurable, and scalable way. We conduct cutting-edge research and innovation at the interface of design and technology, from Biodesign and Artificial Intelligence to the Circular Economy.


Design research will increasingly direct its attention to living materials that can sense, respond, adapt and eventually die. This requires a fundamental change in the way we understand materials in design. The new flagship Biodesign Lab researches and develops new materials.

The new flagship Biodesign Lab will be researching and developing new materials in the state of the art lab. The construction work has resumed after a concise Summer recess, and the Biodesign Lab team can start preparing for research and development activities in their new quarters.



> Biodesign lab to open on 15 December 2022
> Masterclass Biodesign on 22 + 23 March 2023
> Design Story: 'From bottled water to doctor'


Explore emerging research and technologies for creating new frontiers in design for sustainbility.


Discover design results with future-oriented, sustainable and innovative demonstrators using design methods that support the sustainable development goal.

The department of Sustainable Design Engineering (SDE) focuses on applying responsive technologies on the development and design of new products and services. The dynamics in this field are primarily determined by the pace of change in society, in which new developments in human needs and technological possibilities follow each other rapidly. These include new materials and production techniques, ICT and Internet of Things, healthcare, sustainability and striving towards a circular economy. The department strives to integrate specific technologies in a new, flexible design process.