
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. Saliha Abdul Madhar, Petr Mraz, Armando Rodrigo Mor, Rob Ross, (2020), Empirical analysis of partial discharge data and innovative visualization tools for defect identification under DC stress, In International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Volume 123.
  2. Marco Stecca, Laura Ramirez Elizondo, Thiago Batista Soeiro, Pavol Bauer, (2020), Energy Storage Sizing and Location in Distribution Networks Considering Overall Grid Performance, In 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) p.1-5, IEEE.
  3. Elyas Rakhshani, Arcadio Perilla , José L. Rueda Torres, Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt, Thiago Batista Soeiro, M.A.M.M. van der Meijden, (2020), FAPI Controller for Frequency Support in Low-Inertia Power Systems, In IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy Volume 7 p.276-286.
  4. Sa Zhu, Jianning Dong, Yanru Li, Wei Hua, (2020), Fast calculation of carrier harmonic iron losses caused by pulse width modulation in interior permanent magnet synchronous motors, In IET Electric Power Applications Volume 14 p.1163-1176.
  5. Nils H. van der Blij, Laura M. Ramirez-Elizondo, Matthijs T.J. Spaan, Pavol Bauer, (2020), Grid sense multiple access: A decentralized control algorithm for DC grids, In International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Volume 119.
  6. Kumars Rouzbehi, Ali Mehrizi-Sani, Antonio Gómez Expósito, Carlos Bordons, Dirk van Hertem, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Lennart Harnefors, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt, Pavol Bauer, (2020), Guest Editorial: Advances in High Voltage DC Systems/Grids Control, Operation, and Protection, In High Voltage Volume 5 p.499-500.
  7. Yunhe Yu, Aditya Shekhar, Gautham Chandra Mouli, Pavol Bauer, Nazir Refa, Raoul Bernards, Impact of Uncontrolled Charging with Mass Deployment of Electric Vehicles on Low Voltage Distribution Networks, In 2020 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC) p.766-772, IEEE.
  8. D. Vree, L. Beloqui Larumbe, Z. Qin, P. Bauer, B.C. Ummels, Impact of WTG converter impedance model on harmonic amplification factor of the Dutch 110kV transmission network using a 383MW wind farm case study, In CIGRE, Cigré.
  9. Nils H. van der Blij, Dario Chaifouroosh , Claudio A. Canizares , Thiago B. Soeiro, Laura M. Ramirez Elizondo, Matthijs T.J. Spaan, Pavol Bauer, (2020), Improved Power Flow Methods for DC Grids, In 2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) p.1135-1140, IEEE.
  10. M. Ghaffarian Niasar, W. Zhao, Impulse voltage distribution on disk winding: Calculation of disk series capacitance using analytical method, In 7th IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, ICHVE 2020 - Proceedings, IEEE.