
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. M. Poikilidis, E. Kontos, Pavol Bauer, (2019), AC Fault Clearing within an MMC-Based DC Hub, In 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia) p.1-8, IEEE.
  2. Francesca Grazian, Peter Van Duijsen, Thiago B. Soeiro, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Advantages and Tuning of Zero Voltage Switching in a Wireless Power Transfer System, In 2019 IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies p.367-372, IEEE.
  3. Zhan Shen, Huai Wang, Yanfeng Shen, Zian Qin, Frede Blaabjerg, (2019), An Improved Stray Capacitance Model for Inductors, In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Volume 34 p.11153-11170.
  4. Ki Bum Park, Ralph M. Burkart, Bruno Agostini, Thiago B. Soeiro, (2019), Application of 1.7-kV 700-A SiC LinPak to Optimize LCL Grid-Tied Converters, In 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia) p.127-133, IEEE.
  5. A. Rodrigo Mor, F.A. Muñoz, J. Wu, L.C. Castro Heredia, (2020), Automatic partial discharge recognition using the cross wavelet transform in high voltage cable joint measuring systems using two opposite polarity sensors, In International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Volume 117 p.1-8.
  6. Faisal Wani, Udai Shipurkar, Jianning Dong, Henk Polinder, Calculation of PWM-induced rotor-can losses in flooded generators, In Proceedings of the 13th European Wave Energy and Tidal Conference (EWTEC 2019), EWTEC.
  7. Fengze Hou, Wenbo Wang, Tingyu Lin, Liqiang Cao, G.Q. Zhang, J.A. Ferreira, (2019), Characterization of PCB Embedded Package Materials for SiC MOSFETs, In IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Volume 9 p.1054-1061.
  8. Wenli Shi, Jianning Dong, Soumya Bandyopadhyay, Francesca Grazian, Thiago Batista Soeiro, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Comparative Study of Foreign Object and Misalignment in Inductive Power Transfer Systems, In IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society p.2634-2639, IEEE.
  9. Soumya Bandyopadhyay, Jianning Dong, Zian Qin, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Comparison of Optimized Chargepads for Wireless EV Charging Application, In 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia) p.606-613, IEEE.
  10. Soumya Bandyopadhyay, Venugopal Prasanth, Jianning Dong, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Comparison of magnetic couplers for IPT-based EV charging using multi-objective optimization, In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Volume 68 p.5416-5429.