
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. Ilija Pecelj, Sjoerd De Haan, Jan Abraham Ferreira, Three-phase active bridge inverter - 3PAB, In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2014 p.1-6, IEEE.
  2. Todor Todorcevic, Pavol Bauer, Jan Abraham Ferreira, Rick van Kessel, Bidirectional modular multilevel DC-DC converter control and efficiency improvements through separate module control method, In 2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition p.2038-2043, IEEE.
  3. T Todorcevic, P Bauer, JA Ferreira, C.L. van Kessel, Bidirectional modular multilevel DC-DC converter control and loss modeling for energy extraction from electro active polymer wave energy generator, In Proceedings - 5th IEEE annual International Energy Conversion Congress and Exhibition p.461-467, IEEE.
  4. Germán Morales-España, Jesus M. Latorre, Andres Ramos, Tight and compact MILP formulation for the thermal unit commitment problem, In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Volume 28 p.4897-4908.
  5. T Andritsch, PHF Morshuis, JJ Smit, P Jean, C.L. van Kessel, A Wattez, A Fourmon, Challenges of using electroactive polymers in large scale wave energy converters, In 2012 Annual report conference on electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena (CEIDP) p.786-789, IEEE.
  6. Francisco S. Melo, Alberto Sardinha, Stefan J. Witwicki, Laura M. Ramirez-Elizondo, Matthijs T.J. Spaan, (2012), Decentralized multiagent planning for balance control in smart grids, In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Infomation Technology for Energy Applications, IT4ENERGY2012 p.21-24.
  7. Pedro Sánchez-Martín, Guillermo Sánchez, German Morales-España, Direct Load Control Decision Model for Aggregated EV Charging Points, In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Volume 27 p.1577-1584.
  8. German Morales-España, Javier García-González, Andrés Ramos, Impact on reserves and energy delivery of current UC-based Market-Clearing formulations, In 9th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 12 p.1-7, IEEE.
  9. Germán Morales-España, Jesus M. Latorre, Andres Ramos, Tight and Compact MILP Formulation of Start-Up and Shut-Down Ramping in Unit Commitment, In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Volume 28 p.1288-1296.
  10. Andres Ramos, Jesús M. Latorre, Fernando Báñez, Ángel Hernández, Germán Morales-España, Kristin Dietrich, Luis Olmos, Modeling the operation of electric vehicles in an operation planning model, In 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011 Volume 1 p.987-994, Power Systems Computation Conference ( PSCC ).