
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. Germán Morales-España, Ross Baldick, Javier García-González, Andres Ramos, Power-Capacity and Ramp-Capability Reserves for Wind Integration in Power-Based UC, In IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Volume 7 p.614-624.
  2. Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli, Paul Huijbrechts, The electrical vehicle photovoltaic grid
  3. Germán Morales-España, Claudio Gentile, Andres Ramos, Tight MIP formulations of the power-based unit commitment problem, In OR Spectrum Volume 37 p.929-950.
  4. German Morales-Espana, Carlos M. Correa-Posada, Andres Ramos, Tight and Compact MIP Formulation of Configuration-Based Combined-Cycle Units, In IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Volume 31 p.1350-1359.
  5. S Rodrigues, C Restrepo, E Kontos, R Teixeira Pinto, P Bauer, Trends of offshore wind projects, In Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 49 p.1114-1135.
  6. S.M. Fragoso Rodrigues, R. Teixeira Pinto, M. Soleimanzadeh, Peter A.N. Bosman, P. Bauer, Wake losses optimization of offshore wind farms with moveable floating wind turbines, In Energy Conversion and Management Volume 89 p.933-941.
  7. Todor Todorcevic, Pavol Bauer, Jan Abraham Ferreira, Rick van Kessel, A Modulation Strategy for Wide Voltage Output in DAB based DC-DC Modular Multilevel Converter, In IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society p.4514-4520, IEEE.
  8. Dennis van der Born, Peter Morshuis, Johan Smit, A Girodet, Influence of Thick Epoxy Nanocomposite Coatings on Lightning Impulse Breakdown Behavior in Air, In 2014 Annual Report IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena p.86-89, IEEE DEIS.
  9. N. Rakesh, A. Nitya, Gautham Ram, (2014), Modelling and simulation of the Wind Energy Electric Conversion System to extract the maximum power from the wind using MATLAB, In 2014 Annual International Conference on Emerging Research Areas, IEEE.
  10. Dennis van der Born, Peter Morshuis, Johan Smit, A Girodet, Negative LI Breakdown Behavior of Electrodes with Thin Dielectric Coatings in Dry Air at High Pressure, In 2014 IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP) p.82-85, IEEE.