
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. Z. Li, L. Wang, R. Liu, R. Mirzadarani, T. Luo, D. Lyu, M. Ghaffarian Niasar, Z. Qin, (2024), A Data-Driven Model for Power Loss Estimation of Magnetic Materials Based on Multi-Objective Optimization and Transfer Learning, In IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics Volume 5 p.605-617.
  2. Milad Ghavipanjeh Marangalu, Naser Vosoughi Kurdkandi, Kourosh Khalaj Monfared, Iman Talebian, Yousef Neyshabouri, Hani Vahedi, (2024), A New High Step-Up SC-Based Grid-Tied Inverter With Limited Charging Spike for RES Applications, In IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics Volume 5 p.295-310.
  3. Milad Shamouei-milan, Reza Asgarnia, Milad Ghavipanjeh Marangalu, Kourosh Khalaj Monfared, Yousef Neyshabouri, Hani Vahedi, (2024), A New Single-Phase High Step-Up Active-Switched Quasi Z-Source NNPC Inverter With Common Ground Feature, In IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics Volume 5 p.1002-1013.
  4. Junjie Xiao, Lu Wang, Zian Qin, Pavol Bauer, (2023), A Resilience Enhanced Secondary Control for AC Micro-grids, In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid Volume 15 p.810 - 820.
  5. Julian Rojas, Sebastian Rivera, Ibrahim Diab, Pavol Bauer, (2024), A Sensitivity Analysis for Power Profile Modeling: A Case Study of Dutch DC Railway Networks, In Proceedings of the 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM 2024 p.1081-1086, IEEE.
  6. Y. Wu, A Variable Switching Frequency Front-End Converter for EV Chargers: Enhancing Efficiency and Minimizing Harmonics
  7. Haoyuan Yu, Hanwen Zhang, Qi Zhang, Yanbo Wang, Zian Qin, Zhe Chen, Pavol Bauer, (2024), A Virtual Impedance-Based Active Damping Control Strategy for Triple Active Bridge Converter, In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Volume 71 p.14220-14231.
  8. Dayu Zhang, Zhenpo Wang, Peng Liu, Chengqi She, Qiushi Wang, Litao Zhou, Zian Qin, A multi-step fast charging-based battery capacity estimation framework of real-world electric vehicles, In Energy Volume 294.
  9. Ibrahim Diab, Nikolaos Damianakis, Gautham Ram Chandra-Mouli, Pavol Bauer, (2024), A shared PV system for transportation and residential loads to reduce curtailment and the need for storage systems, In Applied Energy Volume 353.
  10. Joel Alpízar-Castillo, Laura Ramírez-Elizondo, Pavol Bauer, (2024), Addressing Premature Reinforcement of Low-Voltage Distribution Infrastructure with Peak-Shaving and Power Curtailment: a Business Model, In Proceedings of the 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) p.1-6, IEEE.