
Postgraduate / professional education

Postgraduate program

Management of Safety, Health & Environment

Gain solid basic knowledge of methods to manage Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) in in a wide range of organizations and learn the skills to apply these methods correctly, effectively and in an integrated way

Industry and government need staff that is qualified in risk assessment and control and other aspects of safety and health. Our most important contribution to professional education is the postgraduate programme in Management of Safety, Health & Environment (MoSHE).

The section also contributes to training courses for specialists in certain working conditions specialists, managers, inspectors and designers. More specialised courses on specific aspects of safety are run at intervals, either in companies or open to all comers.

We also contribute to the MOOC 'Risk in Modern Society'.

Bachelor and master education

The Section Safety & Security Science makes various contributions to bachelor and master education at TU Delft and beyond. We provide:

  • Compulsory and facultative courses for various bachelor and master programs at TU Delft (see list below). Students from other universities may take part in these courses;
  • Courses for Eindhoven University of Technology and the University of Twente;
  • An open introductory and a project-based course for those wishing to apply safety- and security methods to specific aspects of their study;
  • A minor 'Security, Safety & Justice (together with Leiden University);
  • A course in the minor 'Companies & Innovation';
  • Supervision of final year projects and industrial placements for students from TU Delft and, on request, from a number of other universities.

PhD program and graduate school

If you are interested in doing a PhD at the Section Safety & Security Science you can either apply for a vacancy for a PhD student at the section, or you can write your own research proposal in cooperation with one of the researchers of the section. In the latter case, you need to arrange external funding and your proposal needs to be approved by two professors of the overarching Department of Values, Technology & Innovation. The first step is always finding a supervisor at the section who would be interested to supervise your PhD. More information can also be found at the website of the faculty graduate school of TPM which is part of the graduate school of TU Delft.