Here you can find an overview of open data researchers at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.

Dr. Anneke Zuiderwijk

Associate Professor of Open Data and Lab manager

Research interests: open government/research/business/citizen data, infrastructures, institutional arrangements, design, user behavior, theory development
Research projects: Twinning Open Data Operational (TODO), Towards a Sustainable Open Data ECOsystem (ODECO), Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space (TRUSTS)
Social media: Twitter, LinkedIn
Articles: Google Scholar

Liubov Pilshchikova

PhD researcher

Short description: My research focuses on the role of non-profit organisations as intermediaries in the open data ecosystem. Specifically, I focus on how non-profit organisations may help other actors in the ecosystem to overcome open data usability barriers with the activities they perform. 
Link to research: The objective of my research is to investigate the influence of resources provided by NGOs on the usability of open government data. By using a design science research approach I will develop a model of structural relationships between resources provided by NGOs and the usability of open government data (OGD).
Research interests: open government data, usability, NGOs, open data resources, design science
Research projects: Towards a Sustainable Open Data ECOsystem (ODECO)
Social media: LinkedIn

Francesca Morselli

Postdoctoral researcher

Short description and link to research: My research at TU Delft focuses on the 4OpenScience project. This project aims to develop a framework to highlight Open Science (OS) programs' positive and negative effects in Dutch universities. The approach is to integrate measurable OS indicators (e.g. number of open access publications) developed by universities with qualitative observations (e.g. difficulties or diverse strategies in adopting OS practices by researchers). The objective is to portray the diverse landscape of OS implementation practices by bringing to light both the positive outcomes and the less desired effects of OS. Finally, based on the inputs collected during focus groups and interviews, the project 4OpenScience will develop a framework that Dutch universities may adopt to monitor and assess their OS programs more comprehensively. Before my appointment at TU Delft, I worked as a Research Data Expert at DANS-KNAW. Since 2019, I have focussed on a PhD research (based at the University of Verona, Italy) on collaborative practices among researchers within European Research Infrastructures (ERICs). My research question examines the friction between spontaneous collaboration dynamics among researchers and the structured governance model of the ERICs. 

Research interests: open science, open research, evaluation, research infrastructures

Research projects: 4OpenScience project

Social Media: Linkedin, Twitter


Antragama Ewa Abbas

PhD researcher

Short description: Antragama Ewa Abbas is currently working on open (business) data sharing via a federated data marketplace. His research interest lies in business models and data governance. His thesis focuses on designing data governance mechanisms (i.e., onboarding certification, smart contract) to improve perceived data sovereignty (how data providers can control their shared data) in an emerging federated data marketplace. 
Research interests: business to business data sharing, open business data, governance, control over data
Research projects: Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space (TRUSTS)
Social media: LinkedIn
Articles: Google Scholar

Prof. Dr. Ir. Marijn Janssen

Full professor in ICT & Governance

Research interests: ICT-architecting, big open and linked data (BOLD), open government, public-private collaborations 
Social media: LinkedIn, Twitter
Articles: Google Scholar

Juan Manuel Dúran

Assistant professor

Short description: My research interests focus on themes in the philosophy of science and technology: computer simulations, Big Data, scientific models, and laboratory experimentation. My current research also includes themes from the philosophy of computer science (computer models, specifications, algorithms), data-intensive research (dark data, scientific data officer) and the ethics of technology (ethics of computer simulations).

Cathleen Parsons


Research project: Cathleen is a PhD candidate in the ICT Section. The increasing availability of digital healthcare data is creating new opportunities, especially in combination with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Her PhD research focuses on understanding how AI-based clinical decision support systems can assist healthcare professionals, while aiming to increase patient involvement in AI-based decision-making.

Research interests: healthcare data, responsible and ethical artificial intelligence, value co-creation

Social media: Cathleen Parsons | LinkedIn


Caterina Santoro


Caterina Santoro is a researcher at KU Leuven University, Public Governance Institute. Her research project investigates ‘Government and Open Data’ and is part of the ODECO Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network initiative. Through a critical analysis of open data conducted at the regional and central level, her research project intends to identify what governmental roles and instruments can enable social equity in the open data ecosystem.

Research interests: open government data, social equity, critical data studies, public administration, public policy, governance

Research projectsTowards a Sustainable Open Data ECOsystem (ODECO)
Social mediaLinkedIn Nitesh Bharosa


Professor of GovTech and innovation and Academic Director of Digicampus

Research interests: GovTech, multi-helix innovation, open government, trust frameworks, data governance, quantum safe digital infrastructures, data wallets, systems design and engineering.

Research projects: GovTech4ALL, Informatiehuishouding, Open-by-Design, Hybrid Approach for quantum-safe Public Key Infrastructure Development for Organisations (HAPKIDO)

Social media: LinkedIn

Articles: Google Scholar