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332 results

19 December 2023

New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa

New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa

Five Dutch universities – led by TU Delft – will appoint fifty-one PhD students to carry out solution-oriented research for and with the…

13 December 2023

Indonesia -Dutch research project on Resilient Healthcare Systems awarded

Indonesia -Dutch research project on Resilient Healthcare Systems awarded

NWO and KemendikbudRistek have funded two new projects in the Indonesia – Netherlands collaboration research programme. The project is…

12 December 2023

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

The research programme DeepNL of the Dutch Research Counsil NWO aims to improve the fundamental understanding of the dynamics of the deep…

07 December 2023

Roel Dobbe in De Groene Amsterdammer on the security risks of Artificial Intelligence

Roel Dobbe in De Groene Amsterdammer on the security risks of Artificial Intelligence

Roel Dobbe speaks about the security risks of artificial intelligence and the importance of scientific and well-founded risk scenarios in…

20 November 2023

Building an ethical framework to assess offshore wind park projects

Building an ethical framework to assess offshore wind park projects

Due to controversies surrounding the installation of wind parks on land or near the shore to generate renewable energy, there is an…

17 November 2023

Behnam Taebi in Groendoen magazine about the discussion surrounding climate and energy transition

Behnam Taebi in Groendoen magazine about the discussion surrounding climate and energy transition

Behnam Taebi wil de disxussie rondom klimaat- en energietransitie verhelderen zodat weloverwogen keuzes kunnen worden gemaakt. Keuzes die…

13 November 2023

TPM kicks off with its first alumni gathering

TPM kicks off with its first alumni gathering

Op 9 november was het zover: TBM organiseerde haar eerste bijeenkomst voor alumni. Zo'n 50 oud-studenten verzamelden zich 's avonds in Zaal…

24 October 2023

Policies addressing climate change adaptation should account for behavioural factors

Policies addressing climate change adaptation should account for behavioural factors

Deze zomer zagen we de omvang van de schade die klimaat gerelateerde gevaren zoals zware regenval, overstromingen en aardverschuivingen…

19 October 2023

TU Delft and the police increase their joint impact.

TU Delft and the police increase their joint impact.

Today, 28 September 2023, TU Delft and the police have strengthened their partnership by signing a framework agreement. The police and TU…

19 October 2023

New international security project to improve disaster risk management for unexpected events

New international security project to improve disaster risk management for unexpected events

The international security project AGILE will kick start today. The project is to develop novel tools and methodologies for understanding,…