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332 results

30 April 2018

TU Delft student team Ecoplanks in finals Cleantech Challenge in London

TU Delft student team Ecoplanks in finals Cleantech Challenge in London

Sustainable development is a hot topic and receives a lot of interest. However, to bring sustainable technologies into practice for…

26 April 2018

Release of City Rhythm book

Release of City Rhythm book

On 19 April dr. Caroline Nevejan, principal investigator, and dr. Scott Cunningham, data director of research programme City Rhythm…

18 April 2018

Virginia Dignum in VPRO series ‘Mind of the Universe’

Virginia Dignum in VPRO series ‘Mind of the Universe’

Virginia Dignum is one of the scientists who appears in the VPRO series ‘Mind of the Universe online learning experience’ that has been…

16 April 2018

4TU research programme DeSIRE receives 4,5 million euro funding

4TU research programme DeSIRE receives 4,5 million euro funding

The newly established 4TU Centre on Resilience Engineering received funding for a research programme to design Systems for Informed…

10 April 2018

Technology, Management & Policy Consortium meeting on 18 June

Our faculty is proud to host the Technology, Management & Policy (TMP) Graduate Consortium 2018 annual meeting. This year the meeting will…

09 April 2018

2.5 million euro ERC grant for Ibo van de Poel to research design for changing values

2.5 million euro ERC grant for Ibo van de Poel to research design for changing values

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to TPM professor Ibo van de Poel. In the coming five years, he and his…

26 March 2018

Saving the life of medical ethics in the age of AI and big data

Saving the life of medical ethics in the age of AI and big data

Jeroen van den Hoven spoke per video at the 2018 WHO Global Summit on Bioethics, Sustainable Development and Societies (Dakar, Senegal,…

21 March 2018

Daniel Scholten member of high-level Research Panel IRENA

Daniel Scholten member of high-level Research Panel IRENA

Daniel Scholten will serve as a member of the interdisciplinary Research Panel that supports the Global Commission on the Geopolitics of…

20 March 2018

Prestigious invitation for Marjolijn Haasnoot

Prestigious invitation for Marjolijn Haasnoot

Marjolijn Haasnoot of the section Policy Analysis at TPM and Deltares will acts as lead-author in the Sixth Intergovernmental Panel on…

20 March 2018

TIL student Daphne van den Hurk wins ‘Ward Vleugels Q-Park Thesis Award 2017’

TIL student Daphne van den Hurk wins ‘Ward Vleugels Q-Park Thesis Award 2017’

At the Thought Leader Event, an event about parking and mobility, Daphne van den Hurk has won the shared 1st prize of the ‘Ward Vleugels…