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05 June 2020

Faculty building TPM has limited access

Faculty building TPM has limited access

The cabinet has taken steps to relax the COVID-19 lockdown measures. This also offers some opportunities for limited on-campus activities.…

02 June 2020

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

How can artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate scientific progress? Delft scientists will investigate this question in eight new 'TU Delft…

29 May 2020

Ernst ten Heuvelhof Professor Emeritus

Ernst ten Heuvelhof Professor Emeritus

Today is the last working day for Ernst ten Heuvelhof. His retirement will start next Monday.

28 May 2020

TU Delft team wins Supply Chain and Logistics Competition

TU Delft team wins Supply Chain and Logistics Competition

MoT student Angginta Ramdani, Kartika Nurhayati, PhD candidate of the faculty of TPM, and TIL student Andrian Wicaksono (TPM/CEG), competed…

06 May 2020

Dutch public in favour of limited relaxation of coronavirus measures

Dutch public in favour of limited relaxation of coronavirus measures

Dutch people believe that any relaxation of measures to control the coronavirus should be limited, in order to prevent the healthcare system…

30 April 2020

Ibo van de Poel new Delft KNAW member

Ibo van de Poel new Delft KNAW member

The KNAW has selected eighteen new members, four of whom are from TU Delft. Ibo van de Poel is one of them. KNAW members, leading scientists…

28 April 2020

TU Delft to launch online survey of preferred exit scenarios on 29 April

TU Delft to launch online survey of preferred exit scenarios on 29 April

TU Delft researchers will be asking people in the Netherlands on how they would prefer coronavirus measures to be relaxed. From 29 April,…

16 April 2020

TPM research in relation to the coronavirus

TPM research in relation to the coronavirus

Several TPM scientists are currently conducting research directly or indirectly linked to the corona crisis.

02 April 2020

FIOD and TU Delft join forces in investigating digital and financial crime

FIOD and TU Delft join forces in investigating digital and financial crime

TU Delft researchers and students are helping the FIOD (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service) in its efforts to combat digital and…

05 March 2020

TPM part of consortium that researches the impact of the Corona-outbreak on society

TPM part of consortium that researches the impact of the Corona-outbreak on society

In the newly acquired EU H2020 project HERoS (Health Emergency Response in interconnected Systems), researchers of the faculty of TPM, as…