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03 August 2020

Future energy systems need to be climate proof

Climate policy for future energy systems typically focus on the challenge to make them carbon neutral to avoid climate change.

07 July 2020

TPM Energy Transition Lab launches website

TPM Energy Transition Lab launches website

The team of the TPM Energy Transition Lab is proud to announce that their website has been launched. The Lab is an experimental lab with the…

07 July 2020

TPM AI-Lab website is live

TPM AI-Lab website is live

Last week the TPM AI-Lab went live. Aimee van Wynsberghe, director of the TPM AI-Lab: ‘ I am extremely proud of the team at TPM to create an…

03 July 2020

Research into vaccination readiness and vaccination policy preferences in the Netherlands

Research into vaccination readiness and vaccination policy preferences in the Netherlands

A vaccine against COVID-19 is currently being developed. To achieve group immunity, a vaccination rate of about 75% is required. Together…

03 July 2020

TPM master students win 2nd place in SIMIO competition

TPM master students win 2nd place in SIMIO competition

EPA master students Tess Kim and Rico Herzog successfully competed in the SIMIO competition last May. Out of more than 330 teams across the…

25 June 2020

Two TPM spin-off companies receive NWO Take-off funding

Two TPM spin-off companies receive NWO Take-off funding

Both the Participative Value Evaluation company of Niek Mouter, Shannon Spruit and Anatol Itten, as Councyl, Caspar Chorus' company in which…

22 June 2020

Two TPM research projects earmarked as best practices in OECD report

Two TPM research projects earmarked as best practices in OECD report

Last week an OECD report came out on transdisciplinary research, which combines knowledge from different scientific disciplines with that of…

11 June 2020

Research into economic and logistical effects from exit scenarios of corona measures

Research into economic and logistical effects from exit scenarios of corona measures

Bert van Wee, Niek Mouter, Ruth Shortall and other scientists from TU Delft and VU University Amsterdam will conduct research into the…

10 June 2020

CiTyAI lab launched

CiTyAI lab launched

The CiTyAI lab was formally launched on Tuesday 2 June as one of the eight Delft AI labs. The Lab is a joint initiative in which the…

09 June 2020

Undecided citizens are the deciding factor when introducing corona app

Undecided citizens are the deciding factor when introducing corona app

The Dutch have widely varying opinions on the desirability of a tracking and tracing corona app