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332 results

03 March 2020

TPM brings gaming to the Holland Festival

TPM brings gaming to the Holland Festival

Annebeth Erdbrink, Rens Kortmann and Alexander Verbraeck contribute on behalf of TU Delft to the Luistermutant 2020 performance of Micha…

09 February 2020

Evacuation behavior analyzed using discrete choice theory

Evacuation behavior analyzed using discrete choice theory

In a combined research of the TU Delft and UC Berkeley the behavior of evacuees of Hurricane Irma was modelled and analyzed empirically…

06 February 2020

NWO grants research proposal On the Move: Transition towards Sustainable Mobility

NWO has granted the research proposal “On the Move: Transition towards Sustainable Mobility”. This is a joint project of Radboud…

31 January 2020

Gerdien de Vries national expert for the Energy Sector Behavioral Insights Platform

Gerdien de Vries national expert for the Energy Sector Behavioral Insights Platform

Gerdien de Vries has been appointed by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) as national expert for the Energy Sector Behavioural Insights…

21 January 2020

Behnam Taebi co-Editor in Chief of Science and Engineering Ethics

Behnam Taebi co-Editor in Chief of Science and Engineering Ethics

As of 1 January, Behnam Taebi is the co-Editor in Chief of the international multidisciplinary journal Science and Engineering Ethics. This…

15 January 2020

Neelke Doorn in Portraits of Science

Neelke Doorn in Portraits of Science

In the 2019 edition of Portraits of science Neelke Doorn is portrayed. She talks about her research into avoiding division in climate…

13 January 2020

Batya Friedman receives TU Delft honorary doctorate at Dies Natalis

Batya Friedman receives TU Delft honorary doctorate at Dies Natalis

Last Friday Batya Friedman founder of the Value Sensitive Design Lab at the University of Washington in Seattle received a TU Delft honorary…

10 January 2020

Yousef Maknoon receives NWO grant to make logistics planning futureproof

Yousef Maknoon receives NWO grant to make logistics planning futureproof

Yousef Maknoon together with Lóránt Tavasszy and Shadi Sharif Azadeh (Erasmus University Rotterdam), have received funding from the Dutch…

12 December 2019

Millions for large-scale energy storage research

Millions for large-scale energy storage research

Paulien Herder, professor in Energy Systems at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and her team in the interdisciplinary consortium…

11 December 2019

TU Delft starts online platform with science stories

Delft researchers carry out their research in all kinds of interesting ways: they do experiments in labs, they build and test models and…