Reminder: Project Campus no longer available as of next academic year

In November last year Projectcampus users were notificatied about the phasing out of Projectcampus individually and via The Educator.  

We would like to remind you that Projectcampus is available until the end of this academic year. If you currently use Projectcampus, or are in preparations for the next education period, you can continue using Projectcampus. Do keep in mind that after summer 2021 the tool will not be available anymore.
•    Remember to download your Projectcampus courses as PDF and download all files after use of your Projectcampus course if you wish to retain access to them for future reference (find out how).
•    If you need support in finding or using centrally supported alternative tooling, have a look at our suggestions or contact Brightspace Support
•    Also, if you decide to look for alternative tooling yourself, please consider centrally supported tools and make sure to be aware of and consider the aspects of privacy and security. You can contact for support and advice if needed.
•    Please let us know if you have already found alternative tooling. We would be interested to hear which one(s) you are using. 
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Brightspace support.

More articles in The Educator of this month

"'Humans don't develop like machines."

New Enrolment Process for UTQ/BKO courses and all TLS training courses

Nomination for national election Lecturer of the Year

Seven new blended learning developers

A portfolio fit for purpose

Make your online teaching go further

From MOOC to genetic make-ip - Putting circularity onto the educational agenda

Co-creating the graduation journey of students

What if your photo made the front page?

What lessons does Corona teach us?

Moving towards even more study and student success

Exam Logistics professionalises further with external helpdesk


Where do we go from here? Thoughts on the future of education

Reminder: Project Campus no longer available as of next academic year

UNLOCKING… Educators of TU Delft

First teams selected for the Dream Hall

Challenge Based Education in Delft – Defining the Challenge