
36359 results

Innovation Clubhouse

Innovation Clubhouse

The Innovation Clubhouse is a newly constructed, functioning club building that offers space for testing, developing, and implementing…

Design and AI Symposium 2024

Design and AI Symposium 2024

Design and AI symposium 2024 22 October 2024 12:30 till 23 October 2024 17:30 - Location: TU/e Campus, tba. | Add to my calendar Embedding… J.P. Visser Fund

The J.P. Visser Fonds was founded in 2020 by Koos Visser, who graduated in 1966 from TU Delft in chemical technology. He has been…


The DCC has two types of calls for researchers (including PhD candidates and PostDocs): Hands-on project support for individuals or groups…


PhD candidate Maarten Klaverdijk +31 (0) 15 278 8390 Project description Start: May 2021 Implementing Raman…

New Delft Lectures in Design

New Delft Lectures in Design

This autumn marks the introduction of IDE’s three renewed Masters programmes. One of the unifying features is a stronger link with the…

Bachelorvernieuwing 2024/2025

De Bacheloropleiding Bouwkunde is vernieuwd! Een groot team van docenten heeft in samenwerking met de studentorganisaties gewerkt aan een…