
36331 results

Sander Minnoye

Sander Minnoye

Lecturer, Course Coordinator IO2022 – Product & Beweging Design Engineering. Expertise: Embodiment Design, Agile Manufacturing

Alessandro Antonini

Profile Alessandro holds Msc and PhD degrees in civil engineering from the University of Bologna. After his PhD defence he worked in Bologna…

Delft Female Impact Community

Delft Female Impact Community

Delft Female Impact Community 30% of students at TU Delft and over 20% of Delft alumni are women. These are numbers that matter. At the same…

Liu, Q.

Liu, Q.

PhD candidate. Expertise: Smart Materials Interfaces, Shape Morphing Objects with Shape Memory Materials, Mechanics of Materials Testing,…

Ir. Mulder, S.S.

Ir. Mulder, S.S.

Lecturer. Product Innovation Management, Management & Organisation


Section Head Dr. ir. Bram van Prooijen Associate Professor of Estuarine Dynamics Management Assistant Inge van Rooij Secretary Professors…

Press information

For information about the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment please contact Ellen Vroemen or Babette de Jonge. They can put…