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Daniel Stefaniak, department head at the DLR German Aerospace Center appointed visiting researcher at TU Delft

We welcome Daniel Stefaniak, who was appointed visiting researcher at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. He is department head of the Center for Composite Process Technologies at the German Aerospace Centre in Stade. Daniel Stefaniak studied mechanical engineering at the University of Hannover and obtained his PhD at the University of Braunschweig, investigating the improvement of the residual strength of unidirectionally reinforced plastic laminates by metal layering. He has since worked in different positions at the DLR German Aerospace Center. He was team leader for multi-material systems and later business unit manager wing at the DLR Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems. In 2021, he was appointed Head of the department Composite Process Technologies at Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems (DLR German Aerospace Centre) and Head of Center for Lightweight-Production-Technology (ZLP®) , Stade, Germany. His early research investigated the structure-property relationship of composites with metal hybridization, leading to relevant hybridization technologies. In his current responsibility, the ZLP addresses the manufacture of very large, complex components in high-production fibre placement processes and sensor-guided component-specific control of thermally inert curing processes in autoclaves and open moulds. The researchers in Stade are also working on fully automated manufacturing of high-volume components using dry textile semi-finished products in the resin transfer moulding process. For his part time assignment, Daniel Stefaniak joins the Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies Group . We look forward to further strengthening synergistic activities between our institutions. Dr. D. (Daniel) Stefaniak Visiting Researcher ✉

Yenni Villa Acuña

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Yenni completed her master’s degree in Applied Earth Sciences. Her thesis work is part of the IDEA-League Master Program and is done as an internship at Aramco Overseas Company BV in Delft. Minimisation and optimisation are at the heart of many challenges oil & gas companies face in structural imaging of the subsurface in oil & gas exploration. Many algorithms and ideas struggle to find robust solutions because of the scale and complexity of the subsurface. During a period of 5 months, Yenni created new ideas to make a general optimisation method significantly faster and more robust. She also demonstrated the applicability of the new method to a number of synthetic data sets that are well-known in the field of numerical optimization, as well as to seismic data processing algorithms that are used by many oil & gas companies. The quality of the results achieved are extraordinary. Yenni’s thesis was rewarded with an impressive 9.5 and her work has already been recognized as state of the art in current seismic processing software. “Yenny worked very independently on her thesis while taking the suggestions of her supervisors seriously. She managed to defended her thesis as good as perfectly. Besides her thesis work, she also did her course work very well, with excellent marks in all 3 high-standard European universities (ETH, TUD and RWTH).” Graduation committee - Dr G.G. Drijkoningen, Dr Yimin Sun, Dr Florian Wellman. Thesis synopsis Since its inception in 1975, Genetics Algorithms (GA) have been successfully used as a tool for global optimization of non-convex problems in several real world applications. Its creation was inspired by the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, where the goal is to evolve an initial population of candidate solutions using the artificial operators of selection, crossover and mutation. An advanced Genetic Algorithm (aGA) was developed by AOC* to find the global maximum of n-th dimensional non-convex functions. However, as computational time is a key factor when it comes to scalability, the objective of this project is to improve the convergence speed of this currently available aGA by simultaneously enhancing both its global and its local search capabilities. To this end, two solutions were proposed. The first is a modified version of the well-known Island model GAs and the second is a Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution (SADE) fine tuning scheme. After a successful demonstration of its improved performance on multi-modal test functions, my enhanced Genetic Algorithm (eGA) is used to tackle two common non-linear Geophysical problems: static correction and Common Reflection Surface (CRS) stacking, where promising results were obtained. *AOC: Aramco Overseas Company

Rhythima Shinde

Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Rhythima Shinde completed two master’s programmes: Engineering and Policy Analysis (EPA, with honours), including field work in India, and Computer Science, including a graduate project at ETH Zurich. Her career as an Honours student at Delft furthermore included an active board membership of the Energy Club, the publication of several journal papers and a book chapter, various student assistantships to support cybersecurity and open-data research, and the development of MOOCs. She also co-founded a start-up company ‘Energy Bazaar’, where she now puts her research findings and recommendations to immediate use. Rhythima graduated from MSc EPA on electrifying rural India through institutional innovation. Her thesis was rewarded with a grade 9.5. She executed empirical research in India and developed an institutional innovation framework to analyse her empirical findings, furthering Nobel prize winner Elinor Ostrom’s work. She built various agent-based computational models to verify her framework and then, through this framework and her models, she identified feasible and durable system designs and policy alternatives for electrifying rural India. She more than proved her mastery of all skills that make her a true Delft-trained policy analyst: providing computationally strong, empirically-sound engineering solutions for solving society’s critical issues. “Rhythima’s career in Delft is nothing short of impressive and she may be the ultimate example of a scientifically driven, intelligent, broadly-interested, entrepreneurial, socially responsible engineer, with a demonstrable impact on science and society.” Graduation committee – Prof. Paulien Herder, Dr Amineh Ghorbani, Dr Martijn Warnier Thesis synopsis Around 100 million households live without electricity in India. At the same time, there is a booming solar panel market in India. This gives an opportunity for escalating the reach through peer to peer (p2p) electricity exchange. The thesis explored the potential and challenges of this p2p solution with an extensive field study, development of theoretical framework to understand diffusion of emerging technologies considering community benefits (e.g. role of cooperative shops, etc.) and finally proposing socio-tech policies (e.g. hybrid microgrid-p2p solutions, anonymization of network) for making such projects a success for energy companies and consumers. The results of this thesis were successfully implemented in a computer science thesis to facilitate AI based optimization platform. The cumulative knowledge thus gained has lead to start-up 'Energy Bazaar' to implement the results in India. If implemented at scale, these solutions would accelerate complete household electrification of India by 2025.

Charlotte Koster

Faculty of Applied Sciences Charlotte obtained her master’s degree in Life Sciences & Technology. She chose to focus on the generation and analysis of industrially relevant yeast hybrids. She developed a fast and efficient method to generate new genetic variants of yeasts by ‘crossing’ parental strains with specific desired characteristics. The method that Charlotte designed, tested and optimized is highly relevant for industrial application. She applied this method to produce a new hybrid yeast that can be used in the beer brewing industry. Her thesis formed the basis for a patent application, on which she is one of the inventors. Charlotte received an impressive 9.5 for her thesis. Besides her excellent study achievements, she has also been an active member of the TU Delft student team that won a gold medal in the 2016 International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (iGEM). Another illustrative example of Charlotte’s drive to seek challenges is her internship performed at Ginkgo Bioworks, a high-profile Boston-based company active in the frontline of synthetic biotechnology. The top scientists who supervised Charlotte at Ginkgo awarded her a 9.5 for her internship. “During her graduation project, Charlotte was not only scientifically, but also socially a ‘pacemaker’, with a very positive impact on our research group. As evident from discussions in the lab and her activities on social media, she has an active interest in the societal impacts of science.” Graduation committee – Prof. Jack Pronk, Arthur Gorter de Vries, Dr Jean-Marc Daran, Dr Peter-Leon Hagedoorn Thesis synposis With ongoing climate change, we need to make our industrial processes more sustainable. In biotechnology, micro-organisms like yeast are used as ‘cell factories’ to produce products like biofuels, medicine and bioplastics in a sustainable way. However, this often requires genetic modification of the organisms, which is still a controversial issue. The use of hybrid yeasts can form a non-GMO alternative. Like some animals, different yeasts can mate with each other, forming hybrids that inherit qualities from each parent. For instance, mating a bioplastic-producing yeast with a plant-consuming yeast could result in a hybrid capable of making bioplastics from plant waste, without using genetic modification. However, such mating is rare, so hybrids are difficult to obtain. Therefore, I developed a method to obtain hybrid yeasts, based on color-coding and optical sorting of different yeasts, providing a promising approach to develop new non-genetically modified yeasts for the biotech industry.

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How system safety can make Machine Learning systems safer in the public sector

Machine Learning (ML), a form of AI where patterns are discovered in large amounts of data, can be very useful. It is increasingly used, for example, in chatbot Chat GPT, facial recognition, or speech software. However, there are also concerns about the use of ML systems in the public sector. How do you prevent the system from, for example, discriminating or making large-scale mistakes with negative effects on citizens? Scientists at TU Delft, including Jeroen Delfos, investigated how lessons from system safety can contribute to making ML systems safer in the public sector. “Policymakers are busy devising measures to counter the negative effects of ML. Our research shows that they can rely much more on existing concepts and theories that have already proven their value in other sectors,” says Jeroen Delfos. Jeroen Delfos Learning from other sectors In their research, the scientists used concepts from system safety and systems theory to describe the challenges of using ML systems in the public sector. Delfos: “Concepts and tools from the system safety literature are already widely used to support safety in sectors such as aviation, for example by analysing accidents with system safety methods. However, this is not yet common practice in the field of AI and ML. By applying a system-theoretical perspective, we view safety not only as a result of how the technology works, but as the result of a complex set of technical, social, and organisational factors.” The researchers interviewed professionals from the public sector to see which factors are recognized and which are still underexposed. Bias There is room for improvement to make ML systems in the public sector safer. For example, bias in data is still often seen as a technical problem, while the origin of that bias may lie far outside the technical system. Delfos: “Consider, for instance, the registration of crime. In neighbourhoods where the police patrol more frequently, logically, more crime is recorded, which leads to these areas being overrepresented in crime statistics. An ML system trained to discover patterns in these statistics will replicate or even reinforce this bias. However, the problem lies in the method of recording, not in the ML system itself.” Reducing risks According to the researchers, policymakers and civil servants involved in the development of ML systems would do well to incorporate system safety concepts. For example, it is advisable to identify in advance what kinds of accidents one wants to prevent when designing an ML system. Another lesson from system safety, for instance in aviation, is that systems tend to become more risky over time in practice, because safety becomes subordinate to efficiency as long as no accidents occur. “It is therefore important that safety remains a recurring topic in evaluations and that safety requirements are enforced,” says Delfos. Read the research paper .

Boosting sustainable building education

Boosting sustainable building education in The Netherlands On 17 September, TU Delft launched a new initiative to implement sustainable building practices across the Dutch educational landscape by bringing together educators from Dutch vocational institutions (MBO) and TU Delft lecturers. Last week, the kick-off event at The Green Village on the TU Delft campus brought together 10 educators from MBO institutions and lecturers from TU Delft’s Sustainable Building with Timber MOOC. Educating for impact From September to December 2024, the MBO educators will participate in the MOOC as students: watching videos, completing course exercises, and submitting assignments. Additionally, they will engage in online sessions guided by TU Delft lecturers, who provide subject matter expertise, and an educational expert supporting the online learning process. From December through June 2025, the focus will shift to creating adaptable and open teaching resources specifically developed for MBO institutions. A ripple effect By equipping teachers with the tools and knowledge to teach sustainable building, the initiative supports the transition to more environmentally responsible practices within the building industry. The knowledge shared through this programme, made possible in collaboration with Leren voor Morgen and the MBO Raad (Council for schools of vocational education and training ), will shape the future workforce and contribute to a more sustainable world. While initially targeting a limited number of MBO institutions, the initiative’s impact is expected to extend far beyond. As educators integrate the materials into their curricula, the knowledge will reach future generations of students, amplifying the long-term influence of the project. Sustainable Building with Timber MOOC Course information A two-way learning process This mutually beneficial project embodies lifelong learning. MBO teachers gain access to cutting-edge teaching materials on building with timber, while TU Delft benefits from the practical insights these practitioners bring from the field. This knowledge exchange enhances vocational education and strengthens TU Delft’s research and teaching. Open resources for lasting impact A key goal of the project is to create open-access, customisable teaching materials, enabling educators to tailor content to meet the specific needs of their institutions and students. This flexible approach fosters the teaching of sustainable building techniques. Acknowledgements Heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in making this initiative possible. Together, we are laying the foundations for a more sustainable future.

Three Students Nominated for the ECHO award

Three TU Delft students have been nominated for the ECHO Award 2024. The ECHO award is awarded to students with a non-western background who are actively engaged in society. Sibel, TJ and Pravesha talk about their background their nomination. The finalists will be selected on September 27th. Sibel Gökbekir How has your background influenced your academic journey? As a woman with Turkish roots, my academic journey has been about more than just pursuing degrees in engineering and law; it’s been about consistently advocating for the diverse needs of women and multicultural groups, ensuring their voices are heard in important decisions. This is why I actively contributed to different board positions at TU Delft, working to promote inclusivity and equality. My background inspired me to explore how engineering, law, and social justice intersect, particularly in empowering marginalised communities. I chose to study energy transitions and human rights to contribute to a fairer, more inclusive World. How have you turned this into contributions to society? I’ve dedicated my academic and personal life to promoting diversity and inclusion. As a youth ambassador for Stop Street Harassment, I aimed to create safer spaces for women and minorities because I believe everyone has the right to feel free and safe in society. Through the Turkish Golden Tulip Foundation, I advocated for vulnerable communities in earthquake relief. Additionally, I founded an initiative for migrant students in Rotterdam-South and I have been committed to improving educational opportunities for secondary school students with a migration background. Next, I gave guest lectures across the Netherlands to educate the younger generation about climate change and equitable energy transitions, emphasising the importance of a fair transition for all communities. What does it mean for you to nominated to the ECHO award? I feel very honoured to have been nominated on behalf of TU Delft. My commitment to community engagement is part of who I am, and therefore the ECHO Award is more than just a recognition; It offers me an opportunity to further expand my contributions to a more inclusive society. As an ECHO Ambassador, I plan to expand my efforts in promoting equality and sustainability, while inspiring others to take action for a more equitable World. TJ Rivera How has your background influenced your academic journey? My background as a Filipino in a Dutch-speaking bachelor’s programme made my academic journey both challenging and enriching. Being gay in a male-dominated field like Architecture, where most role models were heteronormative men, added another layer of difficulty. It was intimidating to not see people like me represented. However, this experience fuelled my belief that systems can and should be challenged, changed, and updated. I aimed to bring a fresh perspective, advocating for greater diversity and inclusivity in the field. How have you turned this into contributions to society? I translated my personal challenges into tangible contributions by advocating for inclusivity within architecture. Together with like-minded individuals, I began exploring the intersection of identity, sexuality, and architecture, and collaborated with my faculty’s diversity team to raise awareness. As I became known for my work with the queer community, I saw an opportunity to create lasting change. I co-revived ARGUS, the once-inactive study association for the Master of Architecture, which now serves as a platform to discuss and address issues of diversity within the field. This initiative continues to foster a more inclusive academic environment. What does it mean for you to be nominated to the Echo award? Being nominated for the ECHO Award is a significant milestone in my journey to expand my mission beyond the confines of my faculty. This national platform provides the opportunity to raise awareness and advocate for social justice on a larger scale. I believe students are key to driving change, and my focus is on amplifying the voices of the queer community, which is often overlooked. The ECHO Award will enable me to form partnerships with organizations and universities, further promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equality. It’s a chance to create broader, tangible change, addressing the needs of those who often go unheard. Pravesha Ramsundersingh How has your background influenced your academic journey? As a woman in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), my background has been a powerful motivator to challenge gender disparities within Computer Science. Experiencing firsthand the underrepresentation of women in this field, I have been driven to not only excel academically but also become an advocate for diversity. Through leadership roles in the Faculty and Central Student Councils, I’ve focused on creating an inclusive environment that supports women and minority students, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to succeed. How have you turned this into contributions to society? I’ve translated my experiences into actionable contributions by actively advocating for DEI at TU Delft. I ensured sexual education and consent training for 3,000 freshmen students, and I led initiatives like the Social Safety Initiatives Conference alongside the Dutch National Coordinator against Racism and Discrimination. In my student governance roles, I pushed for policies that address gender discrimination and social safety concerns, creating a more supportive environment for students of all backgrounds to thrive in both academic and social spaces. What does it mean for you to nominated to the ECHO award? Being nominated for the ECHO Award is an incredible honour that highlights the importance of the work I have done to promote DEI. It inspires me to continue advocating for systemic change in the tech industry and academia. This nomination reaffirms my commitment to driving equity in STEM, ensuring that future generations have more inclusive opportunities. It also motivates me to keep pushing boundaries and empower others to take action for a more just and equal society. The ECHO Award Every year ECHO, Center for Diversity Policy, invites colleges and universities to nominate socially active students who make a difference in the field of Diversity & Inclusion for the ECHO Award 2024. The ECHO Award calls attention to the specific experiences that students with a non-Western background* carry with them and the way they manage to turn these experiences into a constructive contribution to society. Winners are selected by an independent jury and may attend a full-service Summercourse at UCLA in the United States in 2025. Read more: ECHO Award - ECHO (