PowerWeb Institute

The electrical power infrastructure is rapidly changing due to the growing use of distributed renewable sources and is becoming increasingly complex to manage. Today's electricity market requires an infrastructure for flexible, reconfigurable smart grids that can facilitate the producer and consumer in their changing needs. Future electricity grids ask for a multi-layered ICT approach in order to become robust. And need to be embedded in society as a socio-technological system in itself. 

TU Delft PowerWeb Institute
In search of integral solutions for this changing energy market, three faculties at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) joined forces in the PowerWeb initiative. Our view on smart grids research comprises the integrated study of the underlying physical systems (hardware), the design of smart energy management systems (software), and the study of smart grids in relation to their societal and economic environment (peopleware). This will allow us to model and design ICT systems that integrate energy production and consumption services in a robust way.

The TU Delft PowerWeb Institute is one of energy pillars of the TU Delft Energy Initiative.

News and events

Vacancies PowerWeb Institute

21 March 2019

Peter Palensky in Delft Outlook

Peter Palensky in Delft Outlook

Professor Peter Palensky (intelligent electrical power grids) fathoms the consequences of increasing demand and simultaneous out phasing of conventional power generation for the power grid. “That's a big ... challenge.”

22 February 2019

Pavol Bauer in new BNR podcast

Pavol Bauer in new BNR podcast

The e-bike has become an integral part of our everyday life, but how do charging systems take us one step further? In BNR Techniektour, a brand new podcast for everyone who loves technology, Prof. Dr. Pavol Bauer (EWI) talks about the latest developments around the solar-powered wireless charging station.

21 February 2019

Service sector has sizeable impact on urban energy demand

Service sector has sizeable impact on urban energy demand

A better understanding of the energy demands of various users in the city – households and services such as schools, offices and shops – can facilitate urban energy transition. Nina Voulis offers this insight in her dissertation entitled Harnessing Heterogeneity, with which she will be awarded her PhD at TU Delft on 22 February 2019.

23 January 2019

How sustainable is electric heating? Laure Itard does the math

How sustainable is electric heating? Laure Itard does the math

The gas industry is being phased out and the trusty gas boiler will need to be replaced by electric forms of heating. Energy epidemiologist Prof. Laure Itard (Architecture and the Built Environment) calculated the CO2 emissions. Is electric always sustainable?

21 January 2019

New PowerWeb book: Intelligent Integrated Energy Systems

New PowerWeb book: Intelligent Integrated Energy Systems

This book presents research results of PowerWeb, TU Delft’s consortium for interdisciplinary research on intelligent, integrated energy systems and their role in markets and institutions.