
78 results

08 June 2022

Penguin Lab’s super computer is officially opened

Penguin Lab’s super computer is officially opened

Take a look at the history of the ‘supercomputer’, you will see that it not just means a ‘very fast computer’, but in fact mostly refers to computers in which multiple state-of-the-art processors run parallel, thus bundling their calculative power. The brand new Penguin Lab at EEMCS offers such a supercomputer – but with a twist: a classroom setting.

30 May 2022

Energy-producing Echo building opened at TU Delft Campus

Energy-producing Echo building opened at TU Delft Campus

From Monday 30 May, TU Delft teachers and students can start using sustainable education building Echo. After the summer break, the building will be in full use and the catering facilities will be fully operational. This energy-producing building on TU Delft Campus is set to contribute to TU Delft’s ambition of operating in a completely sustainable manner and becoming a carbon-neutral and circular campus by 2030.

30 May 2022

Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani receives the prestigious European Control Award

Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani receives the prestigious European Control Award

Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, an associate professor at the Delft Center for Systems and Control, receives the 2022 European Control Award (ECA). The ECA is a prestigious award to recognize outstanding contributions by a young researcher under the age of 40 in the area of systems and control. The award is sponsored by the European Control Association, and is presented during the annual European Control Conference (ECC). The awardee is also invited to give a plenary lecture during the ECC, 12-15 July 2022.

16 May 2022

TU Delft's Control Room of the Future makes power grid digitally resilient

TU Delft's Control Room of the Future makes power grid digitally resilient

The increased digitalisation of the power grid comes with its own set of cyber threats and risks. In TU Delft’s Control Room of the Future (CRoF) the power grid gets put through its paces. This remarkable research facility offers both industry and academics unique opportunities to research, develop and test the integration of new energy management technologies into the smart grid.

31 March 2022

Wenli Shi wins 'Best Energy Paper Award'

Wenli Shi wins 'Best Energy Paper Award'

Wenli Shi wins this years 'Best Energy Paper Award' of the PowerWeb Institute