
78 results

18 April 2023

Peter Palensky appointed head of Electrical Sustainable Energy department

Peter Palensky appointed head of Electrical Sustainable Energy department

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science is proud to announce that Professor Peter Palensky has been appointed as the new Head of the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy. He will start his term on July 1. Peter Palensky brings with him a wealth of experience in the digitalisation of the energy grid: a crucial aspect of the ongoing energy transition.

13 April 2023

Peter Palensky new chair TU Delft Energy Initiative

Peter Palensky new chair TU Delft Energy Initiative

As of April 1st, Prof.dr. Peter Palensky will take over the role as chair Delft Energy Initiative from Prof.dr. Kornelis Blok.

15 March 2023

TU Delft crowns best climate and energy publication

TU Delft crowns best climate and energy publication

Een algoritme dat voor een hogere energieopbrengst van windparken zorgt én een onderzoek waaruit blijkt dat niet alleen brandstofverbruik maar ook seizoenseffecten een belangrijke rol spelen bij het optimaliseren van vliegroutes en vlieghoogtes. Dit zijn – in één zin samengevat – de twee grote winnende publicaties van de Beste Climate & Energy Paper Award. De awardceremonie, die woensdag 15 maart plaatsvond op de TU Delft, stond volledig in het teken van grote en kleine innovaties die een bijdrage leveren aan het versnellen van de energietransitie en het beteugelen van klimaatverandering.

10 March 2023

AI for the Energy Transition: an Hackathon

AI for the Energy Transition: an Hackathon

From suggesting a better topological configuration of the energy grid, to detecting anomalies in the energy trade and suggesting more efficient energy trading strategies: there are countless ways in which AI can help streamline the energy transition. In fact: these are just the first three research directions Jochen Cremer and his team are investigating together with the Austrian Institute of Technology. To find out what other green pastures lie beyond these three approaches, this week TU Delft organized a Hackathon, together with the Austrian AIT.

05 September 2022

Kick-off TU Delft Battery Platform

Kick-off TU Delft Battery Platform

Join TU Delft’s Battery Platform, connecting researchers in battery-related disciplines ranging from mining, engineering, chemistry, designing, implementing, and recycling to related social aspects. The Battery Platform aims to strengthen TU Delft’s position in this field, both in the Netherlands and beyond.