
237 results

29 June 2020

Gerjo van Osch in various media

28 June 2020

Jaap Harlaar in various media

TU Delft Master's students of Technical Medicine, under the supervision of Prof. Jaap Harlaar, want to develop a simple and relatively inexpensive ventilator as soon as possible.

18 June 2020

e-Refinery in Delftse Post

Plants and trees are formed from CO2, sunlight and water. They created petroleum in the sea millions of years ago. When the products that we make from petroleum are burned, the CO2 in the air that took millions of years to form petroleum is released in a very short time. This CO2 contributes to the greenhouse effect and thus to global warming.

18 June 2020

Tamás Keviczky in various media

18 June 2020

Klaas Visser in De Ingenieur

More and more ships are being built with electric motors on board. "Society is increasingly demanding emissions-free sailing. As a result, more and more shipbuilders are starting to focus on emission-free propulsion of ships, "says Klaas Visser.

01 June 2020

Amir Zadpoor in various media

A project team of scientists active in the Medical Delta region is testing the first prototypes of a ventilator consisting entirely of standard parts. These parts are locally stocked almost everywhere in the world and can be made by hundreds of manufacturers. As a result, the ventilator can in many cases be assembled locally. The design hopes to respond to the demand for respiratory equipment and the logistical problems that exist due to a shortage of specific parts.

28 May 2020

Jan Klein in various media

According to professor Jan Klein, authority in the field of patient safety, the number of calamities hardly decreases.

25 May 2020

Jinne Geelen in various media

For people who are paralyzed and unable to move, communication is difficult. Or can you also control a computer with your thoughts?

15 May 2020

Bart van Trigt in various media

Bart van Trigt is researching how to reduce injuries among athletes, especially baseball and tennis players.

07 May 2020

Frans van der Helm in Algemeen Dagblad

16 April 2020

Stefan Lampaert in Delta

The corona pandemic has caused a shortage of protection equipment, especially face masks. TU Delft researchers and students are ramping up testing facilities in ProjectMask.

06 April 2020

Arjo Loeve in various media

The location of a crime is usually very precisely mapped. A new digital measuring instrument prevents traces from being erased.

12 March 2020

Andrea Mangel in Delta

Last December, a ship with 95 women sailed to Antarctica. PhD student Andrea Mangel Raventos was one of them. What were her experiences and what will she bring back to Delft?

12 March 2020

Maria Santofimia in Greenlight

Experts from TU Delft are working with an international consortium on a new martensitic steel grade for automotive applications: QPInox steel. This is just as strong as all regular steels so far and - as the name says - "inox", so stainless. How this is possible, and what that means for recycling, says Professor Maria Santofimia Navarro.

09 March 2020

Maarten van der Elst in various media

If we want to keep healthcare affordable and accessible, then we really need technology. The introduction of this must then be done in a way that does justice to the values of patients.

20 February 2020

Ruud Kortlever in Nemo Kennislink

Greening factories with sustainably generated electricity. If it is up to Ruud Kortlever, chemical factories will also run as much as possible on solar and wind energy in the future.

20 February 2020

Pieter Jonker in NPO 3FM news

Will we end up being unemployed? On the contrary: Robot professor Pieter Jonker thinks that we are mainly improving.

13 February 2020

Hans Bussmann in ICT&Health

Erasmus MC and TU Delft are working with a number of other institutions on the development of a wristband that, in combination with a smartphone app, helps patients recover at home after a stroke.

10 February 2020

Amir Zadpoor in C2W

Amir Zadpoor is working on a solution called 4D printing. He explains how it works: "We first grow a flat layer of tissue from stem cells that can provide itself through diffusion. Only when the tissue has developed a vascular system do we fold it into a 3D structure. So you grow a flat object into a 3D structure for a certain time, hence "4D" in the name. "

10 February 2020

Roos Oosting in Delta

Affordable surgical instruments could save many lives in Africa. Yet, there are still numerous obstacles that stand in the way of producing them. A CASE for change.

10 February 2020

Jenny Dankelman in Delta

During Meet the Professor professors from TU Delft cycled to Delft primary schools to give a guest lesson. Delta took a lesson from teacher Jenny Dankelman.

06 January 2020

Dariu Gavrila in Trouw

What will the technology look like in the year 2020? Much has been said and written about this in recent years, from self-driving cars that dominate the street scene, to a network with internet-connected devices around us. What has come of those predictions?

06 January 2020

Paulien Herder in various media

TU Delft may credit ten million euros to the account. The sender is the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The amount is intended to support research into the large-scale storage of energy, one of the major challenges of our time. Professor of Energy Systems Paulien Herder of TU Delft is involved in this with her research team on a daily basis, within the specially designed RELEASE consortium.

12 December 2019

Rene Pecnik in Engineers Online

Rene Pecnik of TU Delft receives an ERC Consolidator Grant of 2 million euros for systematic research at the intersection of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and radiation sciences. Pecnik wants to combine advanced hydrodynamic stability analysis with new multi-physics simulation tools and experiments with infrared thermography to identify and characterize new flow physics in the supercritical area.

12 December 2019

Carlas Smith in Medical Xpress

Researchers at Delft University of Technology have combined two existing super-resolution microscopy techniques to create a new method.

10 December 2019

Barry Fitzgerald in various media

Barry Fitzgerald investigates where the normal world and the world of superheroes intersect. It also brings him new scientific ideas.

10 December 2019

Arend Schwab in different media

09 December 2019

Klaas Visser in BNR

Ships must also become increasingly sustainable, but you cannot build a ship without emissions in a day. In this broadcast we hear everything that comes with it.

26 November 2019

Javier Alonso-Mora in various media

Researchers from TU Delft and MIT have developed an algorithm that - to a certain extent - can predict whether drivers behave socially or antisocial.

25 November 2019

Freek Broeren & Werner van de Sande in Engineers Online

Researchers from the Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME) department of TU Delft have developed a scaling method that can be applied to any curved surface. This method has all kinds of potential applications, ranging from braces that can grow with children or stents for keeping blood vessels open to extendable furniture.

25 November 2019

Ruud Kortlever in Process Control

Interview Ruud Kortlever in Process Control

19 November 2019

Social behavior for autonomous vehicles by J. Alonso-Mora published in PNAS

Self-driving cars are coming. But for all their fancy sensors and intricate data-crunching abilities, even the most cutting-edge cars lack something that (almost) every 16-year-old with a learner’s permit has: social awareness.

28 October 2019

Geeske Langejans in different media

16 October 2019

Miguel Bessa in different media

Scientists have created a super-compressible material that could eventually have your pocket sized bike unfold into a full-scale one.

02 October 2019

Hans Hopman in

23 September 2019

Inktvismechanisme in ICT&health en

16 September 2019

Fiets van TU Delft in AD

Fiets van TU Delft maakt kans op prijs voor het meest veelbelovende technologische idee.

11 September 2019

Arjan Mol in BN De Stem

29 August 2019

Dariu Gavrila op

22 July 2019

Klinische Technologie op