
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. Lu Wang, Zian Qin, Jianning Dong, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Design, modelling and evaluation of a GaN based motor drive for a solar car, In Proceedings Volume 1 p.5120-5125.
  2. Saijun Mao, Jelena Popovic, Jan Abraham Ferreira, (2018), Diode Reverse Recovery Process and Reduction of a Half-Wave Series Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier for High-Frequency High-Voltage Generator Applications, In IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Volume 34 p.1492-1499.
  3. V. Prasanth, S. Bandyopadhyay, Pavol Bauer, Electrically driven vehicle, an inductive vehicle charging system and a method for wireless inductive charging
  4. Albert Bassa De Los Mozos, Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Evaluation of topologies for a solar powered bidirectional electric vehicle charger, In IET Power Electronics Volume 12 p.3675-3687.
  5. Fengze Hou, Wenbo Wang, Hengyun Zhang, Cheng Chen, Chuan Chen, Tingyu Lin, Liqiang Cao, G. Q. Zhang, J. A. Ferreira, (2019), Experimental evaluation of a compact two-phase cooling system for high heat flux electronic packages, In Applied Thermal Engineering Volume 163 p.1-10.
  6. Nishant Narayan, Ali Chamseddine, Victor Vega-Garita, Zian Qin, Jelena Popovic-Gerber, Pavol Bauer, Miroslav Zeman, (2019), Exploring the boundaries of Solar Home Systems (SHS) for off-grid electrification: Optimal SHS sizing for the multi-tier framework for household electricity access, In Applied Energy Volume 240 p.907-917.
  7. Thiago Batista Soeiro, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Fast DC-type Electric Vehicle Charger Based on a Quasi-Direct Boost-Buck Rectifier, In 2019 AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive, AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2019 p.1-6, IEEE.
  8. Saliha Abdul Madhar, Petr Mraz, Sonia Raquel Barrios Pereira, Nabil Akroud, Frequency Response of a Real Cable Network and its Impact on Field PD Measurements, In 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Energy Distribution (CIRED), AIM.
  9. A. Iannarelli, M. Ghaffarian Niasar, Rob Ross, Frequency-independent breakdown strength of dielectric elastomers under AC stress, In Applied Physics Letters Volume 115 p.092904-1 - 092904-5.
  10. L.A. Chmura, M. Ghaffarian Niasar, D. Bergsma, Future Challenges for Cable Accessories in Medium Voltage Networks, In INMRI world congress 2019, NMRI.