
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. Nils H. van der Blij, Laura M. Ramirez-Elizondo, Matthijs T.J. Spaan, Wuhua Li, Pavol Bauer, (2019), State-Space Modeling of DC Distribution Systems: Experimental Validation, In 2019 10th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia) p.1-6, IEEE.
  2. Francesca Grazian, Wenli Shi, Jianning Dong, Peter van Duijsen, Thiago B. Soeiro, Pavol Bauer, Survey on Standards and Regulations for Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles, In 2019 AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE) p.1-6, IEEE.
  3. S Bandyopadhyay, GR Chandra Mouli, Zian Qin, L Ramirez Elizondo, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Techno-economical Model based Optimal Sizing of PV-Battery Systems for Microgrids, In IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy Volume 11 p.1657-1668.
  4. Alessandro Iannarelli, Mohamad Ghaffarian Niasar, Robert Ross, The effects of static pre-stretching on the short and long-term reliability of dielectric elastomer actuators, In Smart Materials and Structures Volume 28.
  5. Jiayang Wu, Armando Rodrigo Mor, Johan J. Smit, (2019), The effects of superimposed impulse transients on partial discharge in XLPE cable joint, In International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Volume 110 p.497-509.
  6. Bardia Mashhoodi, Arjan van Timmeren, Nils van der Blij, (2019), The two and half minute walk: Fast charging of electric vehicles and the economic value of walkability, In Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science Volume 48 p.638-654.
  7. Thiago Batista Soeiro, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Three-Phase DC-Type Isolated Electric Vehicle Charger Featuring Zero Voltage Switching, In 2019 AEIT International Conference of Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive, AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2019 p.1-6, IEEE.
  8. Thiago Batista Soeiro, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Three-phase Unidirectional Quasi-Single-Stage Delta-Switch Rectifier + DC-DC Buck Converter, In Proceedings p.3479-3484.
  9. Y. Wu, A. Shekhar, T. B. Soeiro, P. Bauer, (2019), Voltage Source Converter Control under Distorted Grid Voltage for Hybrid AC-DC Distribution Links, In Proceedings p.5694-5699, IEEE.
  10. Aditya Shekhar, Thiago Batista Soeiro, Laura Ramirez-Elizondo, Pavol Bauer, (2019), Zero Sequence Currents Externally Circulating between the Back to Back Modular Multilevel Converters in Parallel AC-DC Distribution Links, In ICPE 2019 - ECCE Asia - 10th International Conference on Power Electronics - ECCE Asia p.837-842, IEEE.