
For all the group publications in details click HERE.

  1. Ibrahim Diab, Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli, Pavol Bauer, (2023), Opportunity Charging of Electric Buses Directly from a DC Metro Catenary and Without Storage, In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC) p.1-6, IEEE.
  2. Felipe Calderon Rivera, Alejandro Angulo, Pablo Acuna, Andres Mora, (2023), Optimal Common-Mode Voltage for Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters Under Severe Power Imbalances, In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Volume 71 p.11366-11376.
  3. Yun Chen, Luis Carlos Castro Heredia, Johan J. Smit, Mohamad Ghaffarian Niasar, Robert Ross, (2023), Partial discharge detection on power equipment using a magneto-resistive sensor, In International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Volume 152.
  4. Jianquan Liao, Niancheng Zhou, Zian Qin, Qianggang Wang, Pavol Bauer, (2022), Power Disequilibrium Suppression in Bipolar DC Distribution Grids By Using A Series-Parallel Power Flow Controller, In IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery Volume 38 p.117 - 132.
  5. Margo Molenaar, Fazeh Kardan , Aditya Shekhar, Pavol Bauer, (2023), Power and Thermal Cycling Testbed for End of Life Assessment of Semiconductor Devices, In Proceedings of the IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE.
  6. S. Bandyopadhyay, Z. Qin, P. Bauer, Power module, multi-port power converter and energy system comprising the same
  7. S. Bandyopadhyay, Z. Qin, P. Bauer, Power module, multi-port power converter and energy system comprising the same
  8. S. Aghaeian, F. Nourouzi, W. G. Sloof, J. M.C. Mol, A. J. Böttger, (2023), Predicting the parabolic growth rate constant for high-temperature oxidation of steels using machine learning models, In Corrosion Science Volume 221.
  9. Mihaela Mitici, Birgitte Hennink, Marilena Pavel, Jianning Dong, (2023), Prognostics for Lithium-ion batteries for electric Vertical Take-off and Landing aircraft using data-driven machine learning, In Energy and AI Volume 12.
  10. Spyros I. Gkavanoudis, Kyriaki Nefeli D. Malamaki, Eleftherios O. Kontis, Charis S. Demoulias, Aditya Shekhar, Umer Mushtaq, Sagar Bandi Venu, (2023), Provision of Ramp-rate Limitation as Ancillary Service from Distribution to Transmission System: Definitions and Methodologies for Control and Sizing of Central Battery Energy Storage System, In Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy Volume 11 p.1507-1518.