C. Vuik C. Vuik



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  • 2022

    Professor of Excellence award |Leermeesterprijs

    Every year, the ‘Professor of Excellence award |Leermeesterprijs’ is awarded to a professor at TU Delft who excels in both research and education, and who knows how to inspire and motivate the next generation of Delft engineers. Recipients of the award are reckoned among the top of TU Delft. You can only become Professor of Excellence per the recommendation of colleagues, students, and PhD-students, who consider you to be their ‘Leermeester’ and source of inspiration.

  • 2021

    Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau

    Officer is the fourth class in the Order of Orange-Nassau. Individuals who are appointed as Officers have generally rendered outstanding service of national or even international importance.

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Short CV:

1977-1982 Delft University of Technology, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, MSc.
1982-1983 Philips Research Laboratories
1983-1988 University Utrecht, Mathematics, PhD degree

Employment history
1982-1983 Philips Research Laboratories
1988-1999 Delft University of Technology, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Assistant Professor
1999-2007 Delft University of Technology, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis, Associate Professor
2007-present Delft University of Technology, Applied Mathematics, full professor Numerical Analysis
Director of the Delft Centre for Computational Science and Engineering

Research interest:
Numerical methods for partial differential equations, discretization, iterative solvers for large linear systems, parallel computing


Ancillary activities