
303 results

02 June 2020

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

How can artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate scientific progress? Delft scientists will investigate this question in eight new 'TU Delft AI Labs'.

28 May 2020

Technologies for the transition phase

Technologies for the transition phase

After worldwide lockdowns due to COVID-19, many countries are on their way to 'the new normal'. To investigate and shape our new normal we need vetted data and models combined with profound knowledge about digital technologies and systems. On the new website ‘COVID-19: Technologies for the transition phase’ researchers from Delft University of Technology share their knowledge and expertise to help shape a responsible transition to the new normal in the critical years that lie ahead. Serge Hoogendoorn, professor Traffic operations & management, is one of the initiators. Many researchers from the department of Transport & Planning have already contributed.

13 May 2020

Safe swimming water in times of coronavirus

Safe swimming water in times of coronavirus

Swimming pools are starting to open their doors again this week as part of the relaxation of the lockdown restrictions. The protocol adopted by the swimming pool sector to maintain safety and hygiene as best as possible was developed by TU Delft’s swimming pool water expert Maarten Keuten and researcher Jan Bakker of the AMC.

08 May 2020

CEG Keynote webinar series #3

CEG Keynote webinar series #3

Now that we all work (mostly) from home, the strategy team of our faculty has thought of a way to get together online, to give each other our collegial supports and positive energy and have scientific events. Therefore, the strategy team has come up with the CEG Keynote webinar series, preferably once in a month, to cover topics of wide interest to our faculty staff and students.

08 May 2020

Virus spreading in public transport networks: the alarming consequences of the business as usual scenario

Virus spreading in public transport networks: the alarming consequences of the business as usual scenario

Public transport worldwide is heavily affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In a period where sharing and crowding are becoming a public health concern, the connectivity and efficiency offered by mass transport become a potential peril.