
303 results

20 April 2022

Floating wind turbines change everything

Floating wind turbines change everything

In order to become climate neutral by 2050, the share of renewable energy generated at sea will need to increase significantly. Floating wind turbines, solar panels and tidal power plants will play a crucial role in this.

19 April 2022

Accreditation of new Master's programme in Environmental Engineering

Accreditation of new Master's programme in Environmental Engineering

19 April 2022

TU Delft intensifies research into floating wind turbines

TU Delft intensifies research into floating wind turbines

If it is up to the European Commission, all the energy used will come from renewable sources by 2050. Achieving this goal will require the large-scale use of floating wind turbines, says Axelle Viré, wind expert at TU Delft. ‘Although the technology is still in its infancy, it has enormous potential,’ she explains. ‘To capitalise on this potential, TU Delft is launching the Floating Renewables Lab: a lab facility that will tie together all the elements of the development chain for floating wind turbines and other offshore renewables with the help of numerical models and AI.’

15 April 2022

Almost 4 billion euro for TU Delft Growth Fund projects

Almost 4 billion euro for TU Delft Growth Fund projects

Thursday April 14, the Dutch Cabinet has announced the National Growth Fund investments. Fifteen projects in which the TU Delft is involved will receive a total funding of almost 4 billion euro.

11 April 2022

Two CEG researchers receive Veni grant

Two CEG researchers receive Veni grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 280,000 euros to two highly promising young scientists of the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences. The grant provides them with the opportunity to further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years. A total of nine Veni's have been awarded to TU Delft researchers.