
303 results

10 June 2022

More focus on shipping in climate policy

More focus on shipping in climate policy

"We are concerned about the impact of ship emissions on our climate. But we should also start worrying about the effect of climate change on shipping." This statement was made by professor Mark van Koningsveld in his inaugural speech. Held at TU Delft on Friday 10 June during the Port & Waterways symposium.

09 June 2022

TU Delft CEG and Port of Rotterdam Authority are developing a data platform

TU Delft CEG and Port of Rotterdam Authority are developing a data platform

TU Delft and the Port of Rotterdam Authority are developing a new data platform for ground-retaining constructions. The data platform will make it easier to decide how and when ground-retaining structures, such as quay walls and sheet piling, need to be managed. On June 8, during the Port & Waterways conference, Egbert van der Wal, Director of Port Development, Stefan Aarninkhof, professor of hydraulic engineering (CEG), signed a 'Memorandum of Understanding' in which the joint effort and cooperation with among others DigiShape and SmartPort, was ratified.

07 June 2022

TU Delft CEG research on future-proof bridges and quay awarded by National Research Agenda

TU Delft CEG research on future-proof bridges and quay awarded by National Research Agenda

Within the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA) 'Bridges and Quay Walls in Urban Areas' one of the research projects has been awarded to associate professor Mandy Korff, researcher at TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) and Deltares. The research, 'live insights for bridges and quay walls,' shortened to 'LiveQuay'.

07 June 2022

TU Delft CEG research on future-proof bridges and quay awarded by National Research Agenda

03 June 2022

Adriaan van Natijne in KIJK

Adriaan van Natijne in KIJK