
303 results

08 April 2021

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

On September 1, 2020, part of the quay of the Grimburgwal in Amsterdam collapsed. The primary causes appear to be the different construction of the narrow quay, the locally deeper canal bed, and the weakening of masonry due to collisions. This is the result of the research conducted by a research team composed of experts from TU Delft, Deltares, AMS Institute, and SkyGEO, led by Mandy Korff (TU Delft/Deltares), on behalf of the City of Amsterdam. The full report with conclusions and recommendations for other quay walls in the city was published by the City of Amsterdam on April 8, 2021.

08 April 2021

Bend until it breaks

Bend until it breaks

Is it possible to bend glass to a point where it won’t shatter but grow stronger instead? Tim van Driel, MSc student Civil Engineering, dedicated his final research project to exploring the limits of using glass in facades. He took to the lab and bended large sheets of glass without using heat. But at what point does bending turn into snapping – and a shower of shards?

08 April 2021

Building sandcastles for your graduation

Building sandcastles for your graduation

What Civil Engineering master’s student Jasper Scheijmans really wanted was to graduate with a final project at a big dredging company but Covid-19 intervened. Jasper and his professors then came up with a completely different idea. Why not carry out research into coastal dunes inside a container on the beach?

12 March 2021

Interpore Award for Hadi Hajibeygi

Interpore Award for Hadi Hajibeygi

Hadi Hajibeygi (GSE) has been awarded this year's InterPore Award for Porous Media Research for his outstanding research in porous media. The InterPore Award is given to only one individual per year who has demonstrated significant theoretical, experimental and/or modelling advances in understanding of problems involving natural or industrial porous media.

12 March 2021

Preventing fresh water shortages due to drought

Preventing fresh water shortages due to drought

Researcher Edo Abraham together with Wagenignen University & Research and many partners is going to focus on the reuse of wastewater and brackish groundwater in order to have more fresh water in reserve during dry periods in the Netherlands. The AquaConnect research programme focuses on technological solutions that will enable the Netherlands and other delta regions to become self-sufficient in fresh water supply