

Latest publications

  1. R Vrijhoef, Watermanagement, In BuildingInnovation p.42-42.
  2. R Vrijhoef, Woningen uit het schap, In BuildingInnovation p.57-57.
  3. R Vrijhoef, Zonne-energie, In BuildingInnovation p.29-29.
  4. C. Abbott, R Vrijhoef, HAJ de Ridder, A comparison between the UK and Dutch National construction innovation strategies: directions for future trans-national co-operation, In Proceedings 3rd international SCRI symposium p.120-135, University of Salford.
  5. E Dado, MR Beheshti, A new agenda for construction IT research in the Netherlands: enabling the living building concept and serving PSIB, In Advances in architecture, urbanity and social sustainability p.22-27, International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics.
  6. SS Ozsariyildiz, R Beheshti, O Ciftcioglu, An analytical approach for requirements specification to enlighten design priorities, In The 3rd International SCRI Symposium p.317-327, University of Salford.
  7. MR Beheshti, K Zreik, Augmented heritage continued, In International Journal of Design Sciences & Technology Volume 13 p.89-92.
  8. HAJ de Ridder, R Vrijhoef, Dynamic systems engineering for adding value in the built environment, In European Systems Engineering Conference p.1-13, Loughborough University.
  9. CM Ravesloot, Fijnstof onder de loep: er kan tenminste weer gebouwd worden, In Gezond Bouwen en Wonen Volume 2006 p.16-18.
  10. M Dreschler, R Vrijhoef, HAJ de Ridder, Findings of tailoring the procurement system for a school based on the Living Building Concept, In Symposium on Sustainability and Value through Construction Procurement 2006 CIB W092 Procurement Systems p.134-145, University of Salford.

PhD theses







Publication by type

Search term: IDM & conference papers

  1. R Vrijhoef, Watermanagement, In BuildingInnovation p.42-42.
  2. R Vrijhoef, Woningen uit het schap, In BuildingInnovation p.57-57.
  3. R Vrijhoef, Zonne-energie, In BuildingInnovation p.29-29.
  4. C. Abbott, R Vrijhoef, HAJ de Ridder, A comparison between the UK and Dutch National construction innovation strategies: directions for future trans-national co-operation, In Proceedings 3rd international SCRI symposium p.120-135, University of Salford.
  5. E Dado, MR Beheshti, A new agenda for construction IT research in the Netherlands: enabling the living building concept and serving PSIB, In Advances in architecture, urbanity and social sustainability p.22-27, International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics.
  6. SS Ozsariyildiz, R Beheshti, O Ciftcioglu, An analytical approach for requirements specification to enlighten design priorities, In The 3rd International SCRI Symposium p.317-327, University of Salford.
  7. MR Beheshti, K Zreik, Augmented heritage continued, In International Journal of Design Sciences & Technology Volume 13 p.89-92.
  8. HAJ de Ridder, R Vrijhoef, Dynamic systems engineering for adding value in the built environment, In European Systems Engineering Conference p.1-13, Loughborough University.
  9. CM Ravesloot, Fijnstof onder de loep: er kan tenminste weer gebouwd worden, In Gezond Bouwen en Wonen Volume 2006 p.16-18.
  10. M Dreschler, R Vrijhoef, HAJ de Ridder, Findings of tailoring the procurement system for a school based on the Living Building Concept, In Symposium on Sustainability and Value through Construction Procurement 2006 CIB W092 Procurement Systems p.134-145, University of Salford.

Search term: IDM & article

  1. R Vrijhoef, Watermanagement, In BuildingInnovation p.42-42.
  2. R Vrijhoef, Woningen uit het schap, In BuildingInnovation p.57-57.
  3. R Vrijhoef, Zonne-energie, In BuildingInnovation p.29-29.
  4. C. Abbott, R Vrijhoef, HAJ de Ridder, A comparison between the UK and Dutch National construction innovation strategies: directions for future trans-national co-operation, In Proceedings 3rd international SCRI symposium p.120-135, University of Salford.
  5. E Dado, MR Beheshti, A new agenda for construction IT research in the Netherlands: enabling the living building concept and serving PSIB, In Advances in architecture, urbanity and social sustainability p.22-27, International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics.
  6. SS Ozsariyildiz, R Beheshti, O Ciftcioglu, An analytical approach for requirements specification to enlighten design priorities, In The 3rd International SCRI Symposium p.317-327, University of Salford.
  7. MR Beheshti, K Zreik, Augmented heritage continued, In International Journal of Design Sciences & Technology Volume 13 p.89-92.
  8. HAJ de Ridder, R Vrijhoef, Dynamic systems engineering for adding value in the built environment, In European Systems Engineering Conference p.1-13, Loughborough University.
  9. CM Ravesloot, Fijnstof onder de loep: er kan tenminste weer gebouwd worden, In Gezond Bouwen en Wonen Volume 2006 p.16-18.
  10. M Dreschler, R Vrijhoef, HAJ de Ridder, Findings of tailoring the procurement system for a school based on the Living Building Concept, In Symposium on Sustainability and Value through Construction Procurement 2006 CIB W092 Procurement Systems p.134-145, University of Salford.