
08 November 2021

Rain Showers grow in size and intensity

Rain Showers grow in size and intensity

02 November 2021

Using dredged mud to strengthen our dikes

Using dredged mud to strengthen our dikes

17 September 2021

Open Textbook Ports and Waterways: Navigating the changing world

Open Textbook Ports and Waterways: Navigating the changing world

Ports and waterways should be viewed as parts of a coherent system that supports waterborne supply chains. Their integral design and operation is essential. Such is the vision of the Ports and Waterways team of our faculty.

16 September 2021

Energy from concrete nominated for Best Tech Idea

Energy from concrete nominated for Best Tech Idea

When waves batter the coast, energy is generated. Researchers Branko Šavija and Yading Xu from TU Delft want to capture that by using a special type of concrete to create an alternative energy source.

09 September 2021

High water Limburg summer 2021 more drastic than river floods in 1993 and 1995

High water Limburg summer 2021 more drastic than river floods in 1993 and 1995

The heavy precipitation along with the high water of July 2021 in the Netherlands and surrounding countries was an extreme and exceptional event with major social consequences in Limburg. Commissioned by the Expertise Network for Water Safety (ENW), a broad consortium of knowledge institutions, led by Delft University of Technology and Deltares, has now made an initial analysis of the available information on a range of topics.

18 August 2021

Emma was in Delft while her parental home was flooded

Emma was in Delft while her parental home was flooded

When waves batter the coast, energy is generated. Researchers Branko Šavija and Yading Xu from TU Delft want to capture that by using a special type of concrete to create an alternative energy source.

01 July 2021

Strategy for the Netherlands Polar Programme

Strategy for the Netherlands Polar Programme

The aim of the Netherlands Polar Programme (NPP) is to stimulate and support the development and execution of high-quality research in the Arctic and Antarctic. It is a special programme operated by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), financed and commissioned by the Dutch government. The Netherlands has been committed to scientific polar research since it obtained Consultative Party status in the Antarctic Treaty in 1990, and Observer status in the Arctic Council in 1998. This Pole Position-NL 3.0 describes the third integrated polar research strategy (2021–2025). It is complementary to the Netherlands’ Polar Strategy 2021—2025, titled Prepared for Change, published by the government of the Netherlands. The research strategy was developed with the aid of a strategy committee under the auspices of the NPP Programme Committee

22 June 2021

Sea level rise outpaced by vertical dune toe translation on prograding coasts

Sea level rise outpaced by vertical dune toe translation on prograding coasts

Karin Sluis, Senior Advisor and former Director of Witteveen+Bos, has been chosen as TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2021.

17 June 2021

Sand on the horizon

Sand on the horizon

It’s a decade since the creation of the Sand Motor, an artificial sand bank off the North Sea coast. What happens to a natural system following human intervention on such a large scale? That question has been the focus of professor of Coastal Engineering Stefan Aarninkhof’s research for the last ten years. The results, he hopes, will pave the way to a full-scale experimental climate lab.

10 May 2021

25 partners from the construction industry sign Manifesto

25 partners from the construction industry sign Manifesto

More than 25 parties from the construction world, including 4TU.Bouw, are joining forces for an innovative approach to replacement and renovation.