
03 June 2019

Matthieu de Schipper bags New Scientist Science Talent award 2019

Matthieu de Schipper bags New Scientist Science Talent award 2019

Assistent professor of Coastal Engineering Matthieu de Schipper is the New Scientist Science Talent of 2019. The announcement was made at the New Scientist Live event in Utrecht on May 31.

14 May 2019

The Sand Motor review: results and reflections on the NatureCoast programme

The Sand Motor review: results and reflections on the NatureCoast programme

How can the Dutch Sand Motor help nature protect the Dutch coast? And can this knowledge be used to combat coastal erosion in Jamaica? The newly published ‘The Sand Motor: a nature-based response to climate change’ outlines the most important results and reflections on the multidisciplinary NatureCoast programme which ran from 2013 to 2017.

07 May 2019

Stories of Science

New Story of Science of Ece Özer about 'The breathing of dikes'.

07 May 2019

Mark van Koningsveld on the radio next week

Mark van Koningsveld will be on the BNR radio on Tuesday the 14th of May. BNR broadcasts ‘The Big Five’ about ports in The Netherlands that week. Mark will give a one-to-one interview of one hour on Tuesday.

01 May 2019

Vote for Matthieu de Schipper as New Scientist 2019

Matthieu de Schipper has been nominated for the ‘New Scientist wetenschapstalent 2019’ award.

01 May 2019

New Research Project: WOODY

In september 2019, a new project will be started with help of NWO about the full scale hydraulic and ecological optimisation of a dike-forest combination.

09 April 2019

Student project opportunity: modelling dike failure using DIANA Finite element software

The company Diana FEA BV is looking for students to model a dike failure using DIANA Finite Element software. This project could be suitable for an internship, additional thesis or master thesis project. As part of the project, there are opportunities to have your participation in a benchmark workshop in Milano(Sept 2019) funded.

09 April 2019

Rijkswaterstaat and TU Delft are collaborating to investigate how the sandy Houtribdijk shores behave

Rijkswaterstaat and TU Delft are collaborating to investigate how the sandy Houtribdijk shores behave

Together with TU Delft, Rijkswaterstaat is starting a monitoring program along the new sandy banks of the Houtribdijk. During 2 years the waves, currents and sand displacement at the sloping banks of the IJsselmeer and Markermeer will be measured.

22 March 2019

Building with Nature: Common cordgrass and grassweed help dikes

Building with Nature: Common cordgrass and grassweed help dikes

Vegetated foreshores can strongly reduce wave loads on coastal dikes, meaning these dikes may not have to be built so high. On Wednesday 27 March, Vincent Vuik will be awarded his PhD at TU Delft for his work on this subject.

02 March 2019

Poster Presentation Event Hydraulic Engineering

Poster Presentation Event Hydraulic Engineering

You are all invited to this year’s first Poster Presentation Event of the Hydraulic Engineering department. This is a great opportunity for PhDs and Postdocs to get to know each other, share your work and learn about possible research connections. For Master students this is a good chance to learn a bit on what research is being done in our department, especially if you are interested in pursuing a research career yourself or if you are looking for a graduation topic! Supervisors and other HE-staff are also more than welcome.