Our Research

The reserach in our section falls into three categories: Geo-Energy, Geo-environmental Protection, and Computational Geosciences.


Our research on geo-energy explores methods to harness Earth's geothermal energy, advances the storage of liquid hydrogen in the subsurface, and studies the carbon footprint.

Geo-Environmental Protection

Industrial operations and anthopogenic interventions carry risks. Our research explores techniques to mitigate the impact of fossil fuel consumption, and analyzes the consequences of subsurface operations to reduce their future impact.

Computational Geoscience

The subsurface is mostly out of reach and out of sight. To rigorously analyse and predict the impact of subsurface operations, we advance research in data assimilation, optimization and control theory, and numerical simulation.

Our Publications

Below, you can access a list of our section's most recent publications.

  1. A Amerighasrodashti, Immiscible and miscible gas-oil gravity drainage in naturally fractured reservoirs
  2. N Shojai Kaveh, Interfacial interactions and wettability evaluation of rock surfaces for CO2 storage
  3. N Shojai Kaveh, ESJ Rudolph, WR Rossen, KHAA Wolf, Interfacial interactions of CO2-water-Bentheimer sandstone system - Dissolution and contact angle, In Proceedings of the 76th EAGE conference p.1-5, EAGE.
  4. H Guo, JHL Voncken, T Opstal, R Dams, PLJ Zitha, Investigation of the mitigation of lost circulation in oil-based drilling fluids using gilsonite, In SPE Journal Volume 19 p.1184-1191.
  5. K Bhoendie, KP Moe Soe Let, T Li, PLJ Zitha, Laboratory evaluation of gas-injection eor for the heavy-oil reservoirs in Suriname, In SPE heavy and extra heavy oil conference p.1-18, SPE International.
  6. WR Rossen, AA Ocampo-Florez, A Restrepo, HD Cifuentes, J Marin, Long-Time Diversion in SAG Foam Enhanced Oil Recovery From Field Data, In Proceedings of the SPE annual technical conference and exhibition p.1-8, SPE International.
  7. M Chahardowli, R Farajzadeh, R Krastev, J Bruining, Measurement of partition coefficient of a mutually soluble solvent in oil/ mixture of polymer + salt + water systems
  8. R Khosrokhavar, Mechanisms for CO2 sequestration in geological formations and enhanced gas recovery
  9. J Gong, WR Rossen, Modeling flow in naturally fractured reservoirs: Effect of fracture aperture distribution on critical sub-network for flow, In Proceedings of the international discrete fracture network engineering conference p.1-13, CARMA.
  10. M Chahardowli, J Bruining, Modeling of wettability alteration during spontaneous imbibition of mutually soluble solvents in mixed wet fractured reservoirs, In Proceedings of the COMSOL multiphysics conference p.1-7, COMSOL.