Delft AI Energy Lab

AI for sustainable, reliable and effective energy systems

Energy systems are the backbone of our modern society. It is of great importance that these systems are sustainable, reliable and effective now and in the future. There is strong expertise in this field on the TU Delft campus. The Delft AI Energy Lab investigates how new AI-based methods can contribute to the management of dynamic energy systems.

Therefore we combine groundbreaking machine learning with the reliable theory of the physical energy system. For example, it is possible with the AI technique 'neural networks' to model differential equations describing dynamics in areas such as fluid dynamics, and for predicting extreme, rare events. Delft AI Energy Lab investigates these promising methods for applicability for monitoring the 'health' of parts of energy systems, and for the early detection of threats.

The Delft AI Energy Lab is part of the TU Delft AI Labs programme.

Advanced AI-based mathematical models together with scalable algorithms offer reliable diagnosis and predictive tools for modern energy systems.

Making optimization algorithms computationally efficient matters in many applications including power systems

Describing experiment methodology.

The team


PhD candidates

Perine Cunat

PhD researcher









Master projects


  • Adaptive Learning on graphs, Elvin Isufi, Alex Jeleniewski (2023/2024) 
  • Graph Learning for Multi-Sensor Radar, Elvin Isufi, Radu Gaghi (2023/2024) 
  • Graph Neural Networks for Renewable Energy, Elvin Isufi, Rodrigo Revilla Llaca (2023/2024) 
  • Hybrid Modelling in Hydrology Using a Neural Ordinary 
  • Differential Equations Approach, Riccardo Taormina, Jonathan Schieren (2023/2024) 
  • Graph Neural Networks for Predicting Dike-breach floods, Riccardo Taormina, Sergio Bulte (2023/2024) 
  • Small Deep Learning Models for Sewer Defect Detection, Riccardo Taormina, Brendan Determan (2023/2024) 
  • Improving PIV-based streamflow estimation with Deep Learning, Riccardo Taormina, Max Helmich (2023/2024) 
  • GAN-based rainfall nowcasting, Riccardo Taormina, Sven van Os (2023/2024) 
  • Optimizing the pump schedule of water distribution systems using a deep learning metamodel, Riccardo Taormina, Nikolaos Mertzanis (2022/2023) 




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