Female student at work while curiously smiling
[Translate to English:] Female student at work at the faculty, while curiously smiling

Join our community of Delft design researchers as they embark on a mission to redirect design.

What is the role of design in societal challenges? As we face up to the global health crisis and the imperative of creating more sustainable societies, how can we design for societal transitions? The challenge is immense but we see opportunities – by design. By shaping human, organisational and technical capabilities, design research and practice can empower society and help pave the way towards a sustainable future.

At TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering a newly published research strategy heralds a fresh direction for design research, with its emphasis on societal transitions. With this new focus comes many research questions, and a growing demand for knowledge and innovative methods. It also requires design research talent to help find the answers, develop key enabling methodologies and spread the knowledge.

Are you eager to step up the challenge of  redirecting design for societal challenges? Join our team of 350 design researchers by applying for a tenure track or associate professor position below.

Download our new research strategy

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