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28 November 2019

TU Delft tops new global MOOC rankings

TU Delft tops new global MOOC rankings

TU Delft has topped the latest World University Rankings Based On MOOC Performance (WURMP).

25 November 2019

Mark van Loosdrecht elected as member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Mark van Loosdrecht elected as member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CEA) has announced that it has elected Mark van Loosdrecht, Professor of Environmental Biotechnology, as a member.

21 November 2019

‘Ruler-less measuring’ at crime scenes

‘Ruler-less measuring’ at crime scenes

Researchers at TU Delft and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) have developed a new ‘ruler-less prototype’ that may make the use of a physical ruler at the crime scene redundant.

21 November 2019

Crowdsourced ‘supercomputer’ enables more localised and accurate rainfall forecasts

Crowdsourced ‘supercomputer’ enables more localised and accurate rainfall forecasts

Accurate forecasts of rainfall are crucial in Africa, where 95% of agriculture depends on highly localised rainfall. Currently, forecasts are based on satellite data and are not sufficiently accurate for small geographical areas.

19 November 2019

Building a Mars base with bacteria

Building a Mars base with bacteria

How do you make a base on Mars? Simple: you send some bacteria to the red planet and you let them mine iron.

18 November 2019

Predicting people’s driving personality

Predicting people’s driving personality

A team of researchers from MIT and TU Delft has developed a new system that sizes up drivers as selfish or selfless.

15 November 2019

How to Expand and Contract Curved Surfaces of all Shapes

How to Expand and Contract Curved Surfaces of all Shapes

Researchers at TU Delft have designed a dilation method that can be applied to any curved surface. The range of applications include medical braces for children, expandable furniture, or aortic stents.

15 November 2019

Researchers see rapidly hunting CRISPR system in action

Researchers see rapidly hunting CRISPR system in action

12 November 2019

Djonno Bresser is TU Delft Best Graduate 2019

Djonno Bresser is TU Delft Best Graduate 2019

Today, at the TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2019, eight recently graduated engineers presented their research and results of their excellent master thesis. Djonno Bresser, graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), received the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2019.

07 November 2019

Joris Melkert voted Best Teacher at TU Delft

Joris Melkert voted Best Teacher at TU Delft

Joris Melkert, senior lecturer in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE), has been chosen TU Delft’s Best Teacher of 2019.