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03 September 2021

Spinoza Prize for Lieven Vandersypen

Spinoza Prize for Lieven Vandersypen

NWO has announced that Professor Lieven Vandersypen (TU Delft/QuTech) has been awarded the Spinoza Prize, the highest award in Dutch Science.

30 August 2021

Catch me if you can: a revolutionary method to study single proteins

Catch me if you can: a revolutionary method to study single proteins

Researchers from the technical universities of Delft and Munich have invented a new type of molecular trap that can hold a single protein in place for hours to study its natural behavior – a million times longer than before.

26 August 2021

New CRISPR-Cas system cuts virus RNA

New CRISPR-Cas system cuts virus RNA

Researchers from the group of Stan Brouns (Delft University of Technology) have discovered a new CRISPR-Cas system that cuts RNA. The study will be published on August 26 in Science and is expected to offer many opportunities for the development of new applications in genetic research and biotechnology.

12 August 2021

Olympic success for TU Delft students

Olympic success for TU Delft students

The performance of no fewer than four students at TU Delft were crowned with a medal at the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. Roos de Jong (Rowing) and Annete Duetz (Sailing) both won bronze and Stef Broenink (Rowing) won a silver medal. Dirk Uittenbogaard, a student in the Leiden-Delft Master’s degree programme in Industrial Ecology, won a gold medal for rowing (Men’s Quadruple Sculls).

06 August 2021

Uber both competes with, and complements public transport

Uber both competes with, and complements public transport

Tussen een en twee op de vijf Uber-reizen hebben geen haalbaar alternatief in het openbaar vervoer. Het aandeel reizigers dat Uber verkiest boven openbaar vervoer neemt af naarmate de reistijd van het openbaar vervoer concurrerender is. Dat zijn twee bevindingen in een nieuw onderzoeksrapport over ritdiensten, dat gebaseerd is op een vergelijking van gegevens van Uber en het openbaar vervoer uit zes steden in de VS en Europa.

30 June 2021

The wind app which puts the wind in your sails

The wind app which puts the wind in your sails

Catching the breeze may bring you gold but sail too close to the wind and you’ll miss the boat. Combined with a sailor’s intuition meteorologist Sukanta Basu’s highly detailed wind forecast may well help the Dutch sailing team secure a win at the Olympics this year.

29 June 2021

NWO appoints Karen Aardal to the board of the NWO Domain Science

NWO appoints Karen Aardal to the board of the NWO Domain Science

Professor Karen Aardal was appointed as board member of the NWO Domain Science. As a professor at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Aardal brings with her an enormous knowledge on the area of applied mathematics and theoretical computer science.

28 June 2021

Appointment of first chef d'emission: TU Delft cheers on sporting climate campaign

Appointment of first chef d'emission: TU Delft cheers on sporting climate campaign

Three-times world champion in sailing Marcelien de Koning has been appointed the world's first ‘chef de emission’. With this NOC*NSF wants to promote making sports and society more sustainable. “An excellent idea”, according to professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Sustainability Coordinator at TU Delft. TU Delft has a long history of working with NOC*NSF on innovations in top-level sports and will be the first one helping the chef de emission with knowledge in the field of sustainability.

22 June 2021

TU Delft presents its perspective on Recognition & Rewards

TU Delft presents its perspective on Recognition & Rewards

21 June 2021

Broad support for ambitious climate policy if four conditions are met

Broad support for ambitious climate policy if four conditions are met

Onderzoekers stelden ruim 10.000 Nederlanders in staat de overheid te adviseren over klimaatbeleid. Het eindrapport is nu online.