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13 June 2023

Delft University of Technology statement of intent: new educational, research and innovation activities in Rotterdam

Delft University of Technology statement of intent: new educational, research and innovation activities in Rotterdam

Het afgelopen jaar heeft TU in kaart gebracht wat de gevolgen zijn van de groei van de universiteit. De instroom van studenten is de afgelopen jaren flink gestegen en blijft dit naar aller waarschijnlijkheid doen. Dit legt steeds meer druk op de campus en de stad Delft, terwijl er tegelijkertijd groeiende maatschappelijke behoefte is aan (Delftse) ingenieurs.

13 June 2023

New living lab Biobased Boulevard to encourage use of natural building materials

New living lab Biobased Boulevard to encourage use of natural building materials

To accelerate the use of natural materials in construction, today The Green Village, iCircl and the Province of South Holland opened the new living lab Biobased Boulevard. This living lab, part of fieldlab The Green Village on TU Delft Campus, will help to use biobased building materials in construction and renovation on a large scale.

09 June 2023

TU Delft and RUG/UMCG join forces to develop child-friendly button cell

TU Delft and RUG/UMCG join forces to develop child-friendly button cell

08 June 2023

New TU Delft location opened in The Hague

New TU Delft location opened in The Hague

In the centre of The Hague and 'around the corner' from the current Parliament, TU Delft opened its new location in The Hague for the new strategic programme TU Delft | The Hague. TU Delft | The Hague is designed with the aim of better involving state-of-the-art engineering in political and executive decision-making, policy-making and implementation. The TU Delft | The Hague programme has three focus themes: Climate & Energy, Digitalisation and Safety & Security.

06 June 2023

Flow for Future | Presentation petition

Flow for Future | Presentation petition

Een delegatie van het J.M. Burgerscentrum heeft de petitie “Alles stroomt in Nederland” aangeboden aan de Vaste Kamercommissie voor Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (VKC-OCW) in de Tweede Kamer in Den Haag. Er wordt gevraagd om erkenning van het belang voor Nederland van de ingenieurswetenschappen, in het bijzonder van de stromingsleer.

02 June 2023

TU Delft draws attention to their wide range of Lifelong Learning options

TU Delft draws attention to their wide range of Lifelong Learning options

Building a better society is the mission of the university in the context of Science, Engineering and Design. That’s what TU Delft stands for. More attention to Lifelong Learning (LLL) fits within this ambition and involves providing high-quality, accessible education to professionals.

23 May 2023

Field lab ‘WaterStraat’ on TU Delft Campus celebrates five years of innovation

Field lab ‘WaterStraat’ on TU Delft Campus celebrates five years of innovation

The recent news is abundantly clear: severe weather, yellow code alerts, and water damage in large parts of the country. Due to climate change, we can expect more heat and drought, but also more rainfall in a short period of time.

22 May 2023

TU Delft monitors biodiversity for green TU Delft Campus

TU Delft monitors biodiversity for green TU Delft Campus

Monday, May 22 2023, during Biodiversity Day, TU Delft is launching a collaboration with to make the TU Delft Campus more green and vibrant. René Hoonhout and Tim Tabak from EcoCampus gave tours to students and staff to discover and capture plants, animals and organisms on campus. Monitoring the biodiversity is an important part of the sustainability ambition of the TU Delft to be carbon neutral, climate-adaptive and circular by 2030 with a focus on improving biodiversity and quality of life. René Hoonhout: "We are moving towards a nature-inclusive way of management. By making observations, we can measure whether this contributes the improvement of biodiversity."

15 May 2023

Manon van Beek appointed member of TU Delft Supervisory Board

Manon van Beek appointed member of TU Delft Supervisory Board

08 May 2023

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

A major challenge in the energy transition is the efficient and flexible storage and transportation of renewable energy. Batteries will play an important role in this. However, much research and innovation are still required. In order to encourage this, on Thursday 11 May 2023 TU Delft will be launching e4BatteryDelft: a brand-new platform that will focus on electrochemical storage of renewable energy – with respect for the world around us, in a way that is affordable and also totally European.