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879 results

22 December 2023

December edition Delft Matters published

20 December 2023

Echo education building wins World Prix Versailles 2023

Echo education building wins World Prix Versailles 2023

TU Delft is very proud to announce that the World Judges Panel for the Prix Versailles 2023 decided to award the World Prix Versailles 2023 (Campuses category) to our Echo education building.

20 December 2023

Ensuring that humans don’t become a machine's moral crumple zone

Ensuring that humans don’t become a machine's moral crumple zone

How do we design AI systems so that humans retain enough control? Years of work by Delft researchers and international colleagues have resulted in the first handbook on 'meaningful human control' for systems with autonomous properties. David Abbink, professor of haptic human-robot interaction and scientific director of TU Delft's interdisciplinary research institute AiTech, and Geert-Jan Houben, pro-vice rector of AI, Data and Digitalisation and leader of the TU Delft AI Initiative, talk about how Delft’s research into 'meaningful human control' should lead to more responsible development and implementation of systems with autonomous properties, and how Delft has taken a leading role in this worldwide.

19 December 2023

Six 20k grants for cross-campus bioengineering research projects

19 December 2023

Best Bioengineering MSc Graduate of the Year: Thomas Michalica!

14 December 2023

Stefan Aarninkhof appointed as dean of CEG

Stefan Aarninkhof appointed as dean of CEG

TU Delft’s Executive Board has appointed Professor Stefan Aarninkhof to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) with effect from 1 January 2024.

13 December 2023

NWO grant for developing multi-purpose flat optical components

NWO grant for developing multi-purpose flat optical components

More and better optics with less. That is the ambition of the AWAVE consortium, led by TU Delft. The researchers will develop a flat optical component that might replace all curved optical components, such as lenses, in the future. This flat component should also be easy to recycle and contain fewer harmful substances.

12 December 2023

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

12 December 2023

Optimisation of hard-soft material interfaces: A 3D printed imitation of bone-tendon connections

Optimisation of hard-soft material interfaces: A 3D printed imitation of bone-tendon connections

11 December 2023

TU Delft ranked 14th worldwide on Sustainability

TU Delft ranked 14th worldwide on Sustainability

On Tuesday 5 December, QS World University Ranking ranked TU Delft in place 14 for the theme Sustainability worldwide. Last year, the university ranked 23 for this theme. The rise shows the university's sustainability ambition.