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25 February 2022

Delft scientists present “green” series of children's lectures

Delft scientists present “green” series of children's lectures

We generate more and more electricity from solar panels and windmills, but what if there is no wind and the sun is not shining? Will you still be able to charge your phone? This is one of the many questions that will be addressed in a brand new series of lectures by the MuseumJeugdUniversiteit. For this "green" series – made especially for children between the ages of 8 and 12 – this long-term collaboration between MuseumJeugdUniversteit and Science Centre Delft travels to the TU Delft campus, which celebrates its 180th anniversary this year.

24 February 2022

TU Delft develops a car that can ‘look into the future’ with smart eco mode

TU Delft develops a car that can ‘look into the future’ with smart eco mode

Together with Renault, Delft robot engineers developed the Proactive Eco Mode, a new system that enables drivers to reach the desired speed faster, based on predictions of the future, while maintaining the eco fuel benefits. They have successfully demonstrated the system on French roads.

21 February 2022

TU Delft and HyET Solar strengthen their partnership – in lightweight, flexible and ubiquitous thin-film solar foil

TU Delft and HyET Solar strengthen their partnership – in lightweight, flexible and ubiquitous thin-film solar foil

Solar foil represents the future. It can be applied in countless and unique ways – all the way from integrating it into traditional roof tiles through to creating new large-scale solar parks that reduce the price of our electricity. By signing a new four-year research contract, TU Delft and HyET Solar have sped up the introduction of the next generation of solar foil, bringing this vision of the future a significant step closer.

09 February 2022

First round of ELSA Labs awarded

TU Delft will work in two of the five ELSA Labs that have been awarded in the NWA call 'Human AI for an inclusive society - towards an ecosystem of trust'. In these two ELSA Labs ('Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects') researchers, the government and businesses are working on knowledge about the development and application of reliable, human-centred AI in the fields of Defence and Public Safety respectively.

08 February 2022

CWI investigation

The TU Delft Executive Board has received a fresh internal report regarding possible irregularities in a few publications on Majorana research. It has been suggested that there may have been irregularities in data processing by one or more of the authors. These possible irregularities were found by some of the other authors following questions from scientists outside TU Delft.

04 February 2022

TU Delft’s new programme of MOOCs aims to speed up the energy transition

TU Delft’s new programme of MOOCs aims to speed up the energy transition

On 8 February 2022, TU Delft launches a programme of four new massive open online courses on Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems.

03 February 2022

Knowledge institutes join forces to research climate change and air pollution using satellites

Knowledge institutes join forces to research climate change and air pollution using satellites

The KNMI, TNO, SRON and Delft University of Technology will collaborate on research and technology development in the field of earth observation.

02 February 2022

TU Delft campus climate neutral by 2030

TU Delft campus climate neutral by 2030

By 2030, TU Delft aims to be operating in a completely sustainable manner. All activities on and from the campus will then be carbon neutral, circular, climate adaptive and contributing to the quality of life for its users and for nature. Together with all staff, students and partners of the university, sustainability coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen is working hard to realize this ambition. Everyone can follow the progress on a new website.

27 January 2022

A ‘treasure map’ to find meteorites in Antarctica

A ‘treasure map’ to find meteorites in Antarctica

Meteorites are samples from space that can be found as stone-like material on the surface of the Earth. Once recovered, meteorites provide crucial information on the formation and evolution of our Solar System. Which in turn is important for research into the origins of our planet, and of life on Earth. The scientists’ new calculations suggest that more than 300,000 meteorites are still present, with enormous scientific potential, but until now they have been difficult to find.

24 January 2022

TU Delft's Reactor Institute takes another step forward as a testing ground for innovation

TU Delft's Reactor Institute takes another step forward as a testing ground for innovation

The Reactor Institute Delft (RID) continuously invests in better measuring methods and techniques in order to facilitate pioneering research. We have accelerated this with the OYSTER (Optimised Yield - for Science, Technology & Education - of Radiation) programme.