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06 April 2022

TU Delft makes global top 10 of QS Engineering & Technology universities for the first time

TU Delft makes global top 10 of QS Engineering & Technology universities for the first time

TU Delft is ranked 10th for Engineering & Technology in the QS World University Rankings by Subject published on 6 April 2022. TU Delft also made the top 20 in ten of its categories.

04 April 2022

Immediate acceleration of global climate action needed to realise 1.5°C goal

Immediate acceleration of global climate action needed to realise 1.5°C goal

The goal of the Paris Agreement on climate change, limiting global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C, is becoming increasingly unrealistic unless countries collectively decide to take action immediately. This is the opinion of the five Dutch climate experts who contributed to the IPCC report that appeared today. Such an acceleration and strengthening of policy measures is still possible, but requires a far-reaching transformation of the systems that underpin our economy, including energy, industry, transport, and agriculture. The coming years will be crucial in this respect. These are some of the most important conclusions from the IPCC report published today.

04 April 2022

Intel and QuTech deliver first industrially manufactured qubit.

Intel and QuTech deliver first industrially manufactured qubit.

Engineers from Intel and scientists from QuTech have delivered the first qubit made in the very same industrial manufacturing facilities that mass-produce conventional computer chips.

24 March 2022

Opening Quantum Application Lab

Opening Quantum Application Lab

Quantum Application Lab now open to explore the advantages and business opportunities for quantum computing

21 March 2022

Delft researchers involved in ten NWA-ORC consortia

Delft researchers involved in ten NWA-ORC consortia

TU Delft researchers will work together in ten consortia with the entire knowledge chain and societal organisations

18 March 2022

ERC Consolidator grants and starting grant for TU Delft researchers

ERC Consolidator grants and starting grant for TU Delft researchers

TU Delft researchers Akira Endo (EWI) and Daniel Tam (3mE) have been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant. Javier Alonso-Mora has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant. These European grants are awarded to ambitious ‘frontier research’ projects that last five years.

17 March 2022

Delft students develop solution to improve the sustainability of 847,000 old flats

Delft students develop solution to improve the sustainability of 847,000 old flats

Many of the older ‘portiekflats’ (blocks of flats with a shared access stairwell) that are common throughout the Netherlands consume a vast amount of energy and therefore often end up being demolished. However, this type of flat does not necessarily have to disappear from the streetscape. Symbiotic Urban Movement (SUM) – a team of students from TU Delft – devised a plan to sustainably transform all 847,000 portiekflats in the Netherlands and to create more homes

17 March 2022

Spotlight on aggressive cancer cells

Spotlight on aggressive cancer cells

Metastases in cancer are often caused by a few abnormal cells. These behave more aggressively than the other cancer cells in a tumour. Miao-Ping Chien and Daan Brinks are working together, from two different universities, on a method to detect these cells. Their research has now been published in Nature.

15 March 2022

Vici grants for two leading TU Delft researchers

Vici grants for two leading TU Delft researchers

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded two TU Delft researchers a Vici grant of up to 1.5 million euros. This will enable them to develop an innovative line of research and further expand their own research group for a period of five years. Vici is one of the largest personal scientific grants in the Netherlands and is aimed at advanced researchers.

28 February 2022

Three anniversary events that accelerate the energy transition

Three anniversary events that accelerate the energy transition

In the fight against climate change the energy transition is a crucial weapon. That is why “speeding up the energy transition” is the theme of TU Delft's anniversary year – a year in which the university will reflect on its role in the energy transition, and in particular on how to accelerate it. The three events below are being organised as part of the anniversary year.