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12 January 2023

Can nature-based climate change adaptation measures benefit the Dutch housing market?

Can nature-based climate change adaptation measures benefit the Dutch housing market?

The Netherlands needs to account for climate-driven flood risks when planning new housing advises the Deltaprogramma: where and how we build houses and what governments and homeowners can do to adapt to the increasing flood risks.

10 January 2023

TU Delft in ROBUST with 3 new ICAI labs and AI clinics for SMEs thanks to NWO funding of 25 million euro

TU Delft in ROBUST with 3 new ICAI labs and AI clinics for SMEs thanks to NWO funding of 25 million euro

Today, the NWO announced that it is awarding the ROBUST programme 25 million euros. ROBUST, an initiative from the Innovation Centre for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), is a collaboration of 51 partners from industry, government, and the knowledge sector, including TU Delft. ROBUST's total budget is over 87 million euros, and with the new impetus from NWO, 17 labs and 170 PhD students will be added in 10 years.

22 December 2022

Victims of the war in Ukraine receive prosthetic hands designed by TU Delft

Victims of the war in Ukraine receive prosthetic hands designed by TU Delft

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the need for prosthetic hands has increased sharply. TU Delft researcher Gerwin Smit has designed a prosthetic hand that can be made through a combination of 3-D printing and laser-cutting, which means that they be produced easily and relatively cheaply in countries that have little money to spend on such things. These prosthetic hands are already being used in India and now, the Indian technology company Vispala has donated 350 of Smit’s 3D-printed prosthetic hands to war victims in Ukraine, sponsored by the American IT-company, Cisco.

20 December 2022

TU Delft brings knowledge and expertise even closer to government and policy at the heart of The Hague

TU Delft brings knowledge and expertise even closer to government and policy at the heart of The Hague

Many still know it as the old V&D building, later the Canadian department store Hudson's Bay moved in briefly, but the iconic building on the Grote Marktstraat in The Hague is getting an academic destination. Together with Leiden University, the Open University and Universities of the Netherlands (v/h VSNU), TU Delft will be co-occupying the Spui building in 2025. The ideal place to bring engineering knowledge closer to the heart of policy and administration, according to Behnam Taebi (Faculty of Technology ,Policy and Management TU Delft) and Jaco van Noppen (Campus Real Estate & Facility Management TU Delft).

15 December 2022

Bieke Cattoor new member for The Young Academy

Bieke Cattoor new member for The Young Academy

This year Bieke Cattoor of the department Urbanism, section Landscape Architecture, is one of the new members of The Young Academy. The Young Academy is a dynamic and innovative group of scientists and scholars with outspoken views about science and scholarship and the related policy.

14 December 2022

Tech for Energy | Thank you!

Tech for Energy | Thank you!

14 December 2022

40 million euros for research on innovative technologies in nine new Perspectief programmes

40 million euros for research on innovative technologies in nine new Perspectief programmes

Nine consortia of researchers, companies, government bodies, and societal organisations have been awarded a total of almost 40 million euros to develop technological innovations targeting societal challenges. TU Delft is leader in three awarded consortia and participates in three other consortia, related to our societal themes Resilient Cities & Mobility, Health & Care and Climate & Energy.

13 December 2022

Top 10 finish students Team Epoch in global competition coding for sustainability

08 December 2022

“No other technology has changed the world as quickly and intensely as web- and data-driven intelligent systems (AI)”

“No other technology has changed the world as quickly and intensely as web- and data-driven intelligent systems (AI)”

06 December 2022

IDE alumni take 1st and 3rd place in 2022 KVK Innovatie Top 100

IDE alumni take 1st and 3rd place in 2022 KVK Innovatie Top 100

IDE alumni-founded companies SenseGlove and Pieter Pot take 1st and 3rd place in the 2022 KVK Innovatie Top 100.