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22 August 2019

TU Delft’s hydrogen racing car wins second place

TU Delft’s hydrogen racing car wins second place

The Forze VIII, developed by TU Delft students, was the first ever hydrogen racing car to secure a podium place in an official race this weekend.

21 August 2019

World’s first link layer protocol brings quantum internet closer to a reality

World’s first link layer protocol brings quantum internet closer to a reality

Researchers from QuTech have achieved a world’s first in quantum internet technology.

13 August 2019

Aukje Hassoldt appointed as new Dean of TPM

Aukje Hassoldt appointed as new Dean of TPM

The Executive Board has appointed drs. Aukje Hassoldt as Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management (TPM) with effect from 1 October 2019.

05 August 2019

Dutch-Japanese astronomical instrument measures 49 shades of far-infrared

Dutch-Japanese astronomical instrument measures 49 shades of far-infrared

The DESHIMA instrument has passed its first practical tests when measuring the distances and ages of distant galaxies.

29 July 2019

Students from TU Delft and VU Amsterdam present recumbent bike they hope will go faster than 121.8 km/h

Students from TU Delft and VU Amsterdam present recumbent bike they hope will go faster than 121.8 km/h

The Human Power Team presented their latest aerodynamic bike.

29 July 2019

TU Delft students narrowly miss out on title at the world championships for energy-efficient construction

TU Delft students narrowly miss out on title at the world championships for energy-efficient construction

On Sunday 28 July the TU Delft MOR team finished second at the 2019 Solar Decathlon Europe.

22 July 2019

Delft Hyperloop students fourth in SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition

Delft Hyperloop students fourth in SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition

On Sunday 21 July 2019, the Delft Hyperloop student team took fourth place in the final of the 2019 SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition in Los Angeles.

16 July 2019

Twelve Veni awards for TU Delft researchers

Twelve Veni awards for TU Delft researchers

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to twelve highly promising young scientists from TU Delft.

10 July 2019

Leiden, Delft and Erasmus strengthen cooperation

Leiden-Delft-Erasmus, the strategic alliance of the three universities in the province of South Holland (Zuid Holland), are to build further on their successful cooperation. In the coming years, four social themes will guide their joint research and education: Healthy Society, Sustainable Society, Digital Society and Inclusive Society. Topics of concern to the metropolitan area around Rotterdam and The Hague will serve as a source of inspiration.

08 July 2019

Programmable soft actuators show the great potential of soft robotics

Programmable soft actuators show the great potential of soft robotics

Researchers at TU Delft have developed highly programmable actuators that, similar to the human hand, combine soft and hard materials to perform complex movements.