
54 resultaten

04 november 2020

Lucht als drijvende kracht voor drinkwaterzuivering

Lucht als drijvende kracht voor drinkwaterzuivering

Doris van Halem heeft van NWO een VIDI-financiering van 800.000 euro toegekend gekregen voor haar voorstel om kennis te ontwikkelen over duurzame waterzuiveringstechnieken. Hiermee kan Van Halem de komende vijf jaar een eigen, vernieuwende onderzoekslijn ontwikkelen en een onderzoeksgroep opzetten. Van Halem: “Ik ben ontzettend blij met de kans om aan dit belangrijke en uitdagende onderwerp te kunnen gaan werken!”

03 november 2020

TU Delft invents a circular solution for nitrogen on the farmyard and win HiTMaT 2020

The founders of MEZT, Adriaan van Lieftinck and Edward Sibeijn, together with professor Jules van Lier, talk about the innovative electrodialysis technique with which nitrogen can be transformed from a headache case into a source of income for the farmer. They have won HiTMaT 2020.

16 september 2020

AI Solutions for the Water Sector: Interview with Prof. Zoran Kapelan

AI Solutions for the Water Sector: Interview with Prof. Zoran Kapelan

Prof. Zoran Kapelan was interviewed by the International Water Association about AI Solutions for the Water Sector.

14 mei 2020



Our AidroLab proposal was chosen as the first Artificial Intelligence laboratory hosted by the CEG Faculty as part of the Kick Start Call of TU Delft’s DAI-Labs initiative. AidroLab is led by the Department of Water Management and the Department of Intelligent Systems (EEMCS), in collaboration with the Department of Hydraulic Engineering (CEG), and the departments of Software Technology (EEMCS) and Microelectronics (EEMCS).

14 mei 2020

Professor in the classroom

TU Delft has reached the age of 178 and celebrates this occasion with Delft primary school pupils. On Wednesday 29 January, 25 TU Delft professors gave a guest lecture to pupils from group 7 and 8 at various primary schools in Delft as part of Meet the Professor, an event organised by the WIJStad programme and the TU Delft 'Wetenschapsknooppunt'.

14 mei 2020

Prof Kapelan Joins KWR’s Scientific Council

Prof Kapelan became a member of KWR’s External Scientific Advisory Council (ESAC) in 2019.

14 mei 2020

Prof Kapelan Awarded Two EU Research Grants

The first project, WIDER UPTAKE, was awarded under the circular economy call CE-SC5-04-2019. The project is led by SINTEF in Norway and it involves 18 partners from across Europe.

14 mei 2020

The PDEng programme continues

A next group of trainees has reached the second year of the PDEng programme Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE). This programme focuses on the development of innovations for the civil industry in PDEng projects by converting results from fundamental research into solutions for environmental and public transport issues.

14 mei 2020

TAPP-BDP: a participatory tool towards end-user inclusive implementation of safe water supply

TAPP-BDP: a participatory tool towards end-user inclusive implementation of safe water supply

The TAPP-BDP project aims to develop a smart phone application to improve operation and maintenance, water quality and hygiene awareness, trust, and acceptance of piped water supply (PWS) systems within the Bangladesh Delta Plan (BDP).

14 mei 2020

Vitens-Dunea NWO-TTW partnership puts sand filters in the spotlight!

Vitens-Dunea NWO-TTW partnership puts sand filters in the spotlight!

Sand filters, widely applied technologies for drinking water treatment, have been around for centuries. These filters are well-known to effectively sieve suspended solids from surface waters, or from iron-containing groundwaters. Also, as slow filters with a fine sand fraction, these filters are known to remove pathogenic micro-organisms and organic material from the water. With over a century of experience, one might think we know everything about these filters, however surprisingly, only very little is understood regarding the biological and chemical processes that occur in them. The aim of Vitens-Dunea’s partnership with NWO-TTW is to increase our understanding of sand filters to increase operational efficiency, control and contaminant removal.