Our Research

The reserach in our section falls into three categories: Geo-Energy, Geo-environmental Protection, and Computational Geosciences.


Our research on geo-energy explores methods to harness Earth's geothermal energy, advances the storage of liquid hydrogen in the subsurface, and studies the carbon footprint.

Geo-Environmental Protection

Industrial operations and anthopogenic interventions carry risks. Our research explores techniques to mitigate the impact of fossil fuel consumption, and analyzes the consequences of subsurface operations to reduce their future impact.

Computational Geoscience

The subsurface is mostly out of reach and out of sight. To rigorously analyse and predict the impact of subsurface operations, we advance research in data assimilation, optimization and control theory, and numerical simulation.

Our Publications

Below, you can access a list of our section's most recent publications.

  1. Femke Vossepoel, Wat gebeurt er onder de dalende bodem?: Kwantificering van de ondergrond met data-assimilatie, In TU Delft DeltaLinks.
  2. Femke Vossepoel, What happens beneath the sinking surface?: Quantifying subsurface effects with data assimilation, In TU Delft DeltaLinks.
  3. Lidong Geng, Gensheng Li, Pacelli Zitha, Shouceng Tian, Mao Sheng, Xin Fan, A diffusion–viscous flow model for simulating shale gas transport in nano-pores, In Fuel: the science and technology of fuel and energy Volume 181 p.887-894.
  4. Lidong Geng, Gensheng Li, Pacelli Zitha, Shouceng Tian, Mao Sheng, A fractal permeability model for shale gas flow through heterogeneous matrix systems, In Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering Volume 35 p.593-604.
  5. Kevin Bisdom, Giovanni Bertotti, H. Maghami Nick, A geometrically based method for predicting stress-induced fracture aperture and flow in discrete fracture networks, In AAPG Bulletin Volume 100 p.1075-1097.
  6. SM Hosseini Nasab, PLJ Zitha, SA Mirhaj, M Simjoo, A new chemical enhanced oil recovery method?, In Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Volume 507 p.89–95.
  7. Rahul Fonseca, B Chen, Jan Dirk Jansen, Albert C. Reynolds, A stochastic simplex approximate gradient (StoSAG) for optimization under uncertainty, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 109 p.1756-1776.
  8. Matteo Cusini, Cor van Kruijsdijk, Hadi Hajibeygi, Algebraic Dynamic Multilevel (ADM) Method for Immiscible Multiphase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Capillarity, In 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery p.1-11, EAGE.
  9. M Cusini, CPJW van Kruijsdijk, H Hajibeygi, Algebraic dynamic multilevel (ADM) method for fully implicit simulations of multiphase flow in porous media, In Journal of Computational Physics Volume 314 p.60-79.
  10. Matei Tene, MS al Kobaisi, Hadi Hajibeygi, Algebraic multiscale method for flow in heterogeneous porous media with embedded discrete fractures (F-AMS), In Journal of Computational Physics Volume 321 p.819-845.