Our Research

The reserach in our section falls into three categories: Geo-Energy, Geo-environmental Protection, and Computational Geosciences.


Our research on geo-energy explores methods to harness Earth's geothermal energy, advances the storage of liquid hydrogen in the subsurface, and studies the carbon footprint.

Geo-Environmental Protection

Industrial operations and anthopogenic interventions carry risks. Our research explores techniques to mitigate the impact of fossil fuel consumption, and analyzes the consequences of subsurface operations to reduce their future impact.

Computational Geoscience

The subsurface is mostly out of reach and out of sight. To rigorously analyse and predict the impact of subsurface operations, we advance research in data assimilation, optimization and control theory, and numerical simulation.

Our Publications

Below, you can access a list of our section's most recent publications.

  1. J Bruining, AA Mailybaev, D Marchesin, Low-temperature in-situ combustion of light oil
  2. MP Kaleta, RG Hanea, AW Heemink, JD Jansen, Model-reduced gradient-based history matching, In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010 p.1-20, ECCOMAS.
  3. N Khoshnevis Gargar, N Achterbergh, ESJ Rudolph, J Bruining, Modeling of in-situ combustion as thermal recovery method for heavy (medium) oil
  4. H Salimi, KHAA Wolf, J Bruining, Modeling the closure of thief zones in carbonate reservoirs using acids, In Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research Volume 49 p.10080-10093.
  5. MV Krymskaya, RG Hanea, JD Jansen, AW Heemink, Observation sensitivity in computer-assisted history matching, In 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010 p.1-14, EAGE.
  6. GM van Essen, JD Jansen, DR Brouwer, SG Douma, M.J. Zandvliet, KI Rollett, DP Harris, Optimization of smart wells in the St. Joseph field, In SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering Volume 13 p.588-595.
  7. P van Hemert, ESJ Rudolph, KHAA Wolf, Output gas stream composition from methane saturated coal during injection of N2, CO2, a N2/CO2 -mixture and a H2/CO2-mixture
  8. H Salimi, Physical aspects in upscaling of fractured reservoirs and improved oil recovery prediction
  9. JK Przybysz, JD Jansen, A Gisolf, Reservoir Monitoring, Chapter 10: Integrating seismic in history matching - synthetic example, In Delphi: The Dynamic Characterization and Reservoir management Project (2009) p.169-198, Delft University of Technology.
  10. JK Przybysz, JD Jansen, A Gisolf, Reservoir Monitoring, Chapter 10A Appendix : Inverse modeling, In Delphi: The Dynamic Characterization and Reservoir management Project (2009) p.198-202, Delft University of Technology.