31 maart 2022
AdOx – from laboratory research to pilot plant research
After almost four years of lab research, the AdOx process will be tested on pilot plant scale. AdOx is an innovative technology for removal of organic micropollutants (OMPs), such as pharmaceuticals, from domestic wastewater effluent. It combines adsorption with oxidation: zeolite granules remove OMPs from treated wastewater effluent by adsorption in a fixed bed filter, and the zeolite filter is regenerated with ozone gas after the zeolite granules are exhausted. The process is very selective for OMPs, cost-effective and extremely sustainable: the CO2-footprint is low, no bromate and oxidation by-products are released to the receiving surface water, and the ozone use is low. It is a very competitive technology compared to GAC filtration and direct ozonation of wastewater effluent.
21 maart 2022
CEG participates in setting up the first Lithium production line in Europe
Lithium is a scarce resource that is essential for the production of batteries. Yet batteries we urgently need to enable the energy transition, as they provide efficient ways to store wind and solar energy. We therefore need ways to process lithium more efficiently, techniques to refine and ways to recycle. A consortium of European companies and universities, including TU Delft’s Resources & Recycling group, aims to set up the first-ever Lithium supply chain in Europe.
15 maart 2022
Trein & fiets: de perfecte match
Elke mening telt! Maar hoe houdt een bedrijf als de NS rekening met alle verschillende meningen van treinreizigers om een perfecte match te creëren tussen fiets en OV? Simone Hoskam, masterstudent Civil Engineering, zag hierin een uitdaging om echt een bijdrage te leveren aan de transportwereld. Met haar onderzoek kon zij een duidelijk advies uitbrengen aan de NS om de combinatie tussen fiets en OV in de toekomst nog beter te maken.
10 maart 2022
Using VR for understanding interactions between automated vehicles an vulnerable road users
Virtual Reality (VR) provides possibilities to obtain complete experimental control and automatically collect behavioral data of vulnerable road users when interacting with automated vehicles. The usage of VR has attracted strong attention to play a key role in studying and better understanding interactions between autonomous vehicles and vulnerable road users.
09 maart 2022
Herman Russchenberg in podcast BNR-duurzaam
Van aerosolen in de lucht tot spiegels in de woestijn. Wetenschappers onderzoeken hoe we de temperatuur op aarde kunnen beïnvloeden met cosmetische ingrepen.
03 maart 2022
Ondergrondse opslag van waterstof - katalysator voor de duurzame energietransitie
25 februari 2022
Cees Boeter Award 2019-2020 and 2020-2021
The Department of Water Management is proud to announce the winner of the Cees Boeter Award for the best BSc thesis written in the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, because last year the award was not granted because of COVID-19. Cees Boeter is retired many years ago, served our laboratories for about 40 years and was always interested in the work of our students.
22 februari 2022
Discover GGOS
GGOS released an 8 minute film "Discover GGOS" to promote the Global Geodetic Observation System (GGOS). The aim of this film is to explain and outline the benefits of geodesy in a simple way to students, non-geodesists but also to the whole society.